daniel's story

  • hitler in power

    hitler in power
    hitler had to blame his problems onto the people he did not like, the jews, but many people were happy and excited that hitler had power and was in charge. hitler wanted to kill all jews, this is genocide
  • daniel's 6th birthday

    daniel's 6th birthday
    Daniel was looking at his photo album and found his very first picture in the album, a picture from his 6th birthday. He states that he was smiling at the camera with pudgy cheeks and thick, black, wavy hair. He also got a new toy train that was shining right in front of him.
  • jewish school

    jewish school
    daniels school started going against jews, and his teachers would call him awful slurs. now daniel has to go to an all jewish school, this is individual acts of prejudice
  • disguised hitler

    disguised hitler
    daniel was able to get 'hitler' clothes to disguise himself from the nazis
  • the star of david

    the star of david
    the star of david was a yellowish or gold symbol that jewish people had to wear so it showed jewish people apart from non jewish people
  • death

    george died, and at first people dying was very sad, but as time went on, dying got somewhat normal and burials took a while to have.
  • living conditions

    living conditions
    the living conditions were very poor and there was limited food and space. daniel had to share everything with 3 other people, his mom, dad, and erika
  • library

    There was a meeting in a small, one roomed house. There was a big library when he walked into the room that had books that were impossible to get a hold of.
  • infested with lice

    infested with lice
    Daniel and his family were in very poor living conditions, and had a serious case of lice. They had to pick the lice bugs, along with the eggs, and squish them or else they would multiply even more.
  • finally fire

    finally fire
    one of daniel's neighbors had frozen to death because of lack of food, and the ice frozen around the walls. it was winter and no one had much heat, but daniel had an idea to break apart his neighbors wooden tables, chairs, ect., and make a fire with them and it helped keep erika and daniels mom alive.
  • getting sick

    getting sick
    daniels mom caught tuberculosis and erika got bronchitis, and daniels family has to leave him
  • violin

    the nazis were going from house to house taking everyones instruments, but father told the nazis they lost erikas violin so she could keep it and continue to play it.
  • saying goodbyes

    saying goodbyes
    daniel has to say goodbye to rosa because her and her family are moving away. daniel also has to say goodbye to his family because they are bring taken away
  • seeing erika

    seeing erika
    one morning when daniel was walking with his dad he saw erika
  • moving camps

    moving camps
    daniel and his father are not in germany anymore, they moved to a different camp
  • mother and erika

    mother and erika
    daniel has suspicions that his mother is dead but he saw erika again
  • camera

    daniel wanted to take pictures for evidence so the other jews helped him get out of work so he can go take photos
  • guards

    adam shot one of the guards and later daniel saw erika and she had told daniel and his father that the mother died
  • new camp

    new camp
    daniel and his father got moved into a new camo and when they get there a kid was killed for missing some dirt