
Daniel C. Dennett (March 28, 1942 - )

  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea - 1995

    Darwin's Dangerous Idea - 1995
    Philosopher of the sciences, Daniel C. Dennett, writes the book "Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolutions and the Meanings of Life". In the book, Dennett talks about what makes Darwin's theory of evolution so dangerous. The parallel that Dennett draws in his work, is that Darwin's theory was dropped on the world suddenly, without warning, and it flipped everyone's perception of evolution on its head.
  • Freedom Evolves - 2003

    Freedom Evolves - 2003
    In Dennett's book, Freedom Evolves, he explains how free will within living organisms is not a matter of physics, but, a matter of biology. For many years before his work was published, and even now, there was much controversy about where free will is established from within humans. Many say it is from physics, Dennett argues that it is from biology and the chemical makeup of the brain. Dennett believes that if we view free will in the eyes of biology, we will find the answers we are looking for
  • Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon -2006

    Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon -2006
    In this work by Daniel C. Dennett, Dennett argues that religion itself is due for scientific analysis in order to determine its nature. Dennett's point is that he believes people will blindly follow religion regardless of credibility. The problem with this is that people become blinded by their faith and are unwilling to budge in their beliefs, regardless of any type of evidence/ scientific discoveries that argue otherwise. This does not help science move forward and limits intellectual thinking
  • From Bacteria to Bach and Back - 2017

    From Bacteria to Bach and Back - 2017
    In Dennett's recent work, From Bacteria to Bach and Back, Dennett argues for Darwin's theory of evolution and intelligent design without intelligence. Dennett goes to explain that the process of evolution is slow, but extremely smart. Some would say that we are designed by intelligent beings, but Dennett says that we are designed by millions of years of evolution. Intelligent design without intelligence.