Courtney McAlister Timeline 2015

By cdm00
  • When I was Born

    When I was Born
    I was born a month early on Febuary 23, 2000.
  • President George Bush elected

    President George Bush elected
    President Bush was the 43rd president.
  • 9/11

    On september 11, 2001 two planes crashed into the twin towers in New York. It killed 2,996 people.It was a terroist attack.
  • Facebook was created

    Facebook was created
    Facebook created a whole new world for the internet.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    The hurricane Katrina was a natiral diasater that killed and damaged lots of people.
  • Started elementary school

    Started elementary school
    My first day of grade school at luhr elementary.
  • First vacation

    First vacation
    My first vacation i went on I was five years old and we went to Walt Disney World. I missed my first few days of kindergarten because of this trip.
  • I moved into a new house

    I moved into a new house
    I moved to a new house where i met two of my best friends and made lots of memories.
  • The first i phone was created

    The first i phone was created
    Created a new world for phones. The first touchscreen with internet phone.
  • First day of Dance Class.

    First day of Dance Class.
    I started dancing at the little gym when i was 7 years old.
  • Taylor Swift Concert

    Taylor Swift Concert
    My first concert was taylor swift at freedom hall. It was a memory of a life time.
  • President Obama was elected president

    President Obama was elected president
    President Obama was our 44th president.
  • My cousin Lillie was born!

    My cousin Lillie was born!
    My cousin Lillie was born on Oaks that year. My family was having a derby party so we were really behind on preperations because we were at the hospital.
  • Death of Osama bin Laden

    Death of Osama bin Laden
    Osama bin Laden was the terroist behind the 9/11 crash that hit the world trade center killing over 2,000 people. He was found in hiding.
  • Started middle school

    Started middle school
    My first day of middle school at Ramsey.
  • Found mt first dog

    Found mt first dog
    I got my first dog when i was 11 years old. She was a lost dog who came up to our deck. The next day the owners let us have her.
  • Sandy Hook Shooting

    Sandy Hook Shooting
    20 School children and 6 staff were shot and killed at sandy hook elementary.
  • First phone

    First phone
    I got my first phone when i was 12 years old. I was so excited and it was a huge milestone for me.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    First day of high school at Eastern.
  • My sister was Born

    My sister was Born
    My sister was born right before christmas on december 18, 2014.