
Cordell's timeline

  • I'm born

    I'm born
    I was born in Colorado at 7:30 am/pm I don't actually know if it was am or pm
  • new earings

    new earings
    i got new earing and i think i screamed my head off
  • moved to utah

    moved to utah
    i really liked it out there
  • got stiches

    got stiches
    When i was a kid a boy hit a hotwheel and it come and hit me in the face right by my eye. I was bleeding everywhere
  • first day of school

    first day of school
    i was really sad to leave my mommy
  • moved back to colorado

    moved back to colorado
    i really started to miss colorado so we moved back
  • started football

    started football
    football was really fun
  • started basketball

    started basketball
    I really sucked bad but it was really fun
  • first day of middle school

    first day of middle school
    i was really happy
  • my baby sister was born

    my baby sister was born
    it took so long for her to be born