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Cooper Odyssey

  • Trojan war

    Trojan war
    Battle between the Greeks and the people of Troy. The battle began after the Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen , wife of Menelaus of Sparta. When Menelaus required her return, the Trojans refused. Menelaus then encouraged his brother Agamemnon to lead an army against Troy. During the commotion between the Troy and Greece gods started to step in and it got unfair on both parts so Zeus said that no God can interfere with the war. But the gods continued to interfere and Achilles and Hector died.
  • Trojan war 2

    Trojan war 2
    After Hector died Greece refused to give Troy back the body so the father of Hector begged for the body. Then Odysseus came up with the idea to hide in a horse and sneak into Greece base and it worked and they and Troy won the war. Analysis
    Odysseus is a clever man and his men listen to him because hey took his word for it and made the wooden horse. His environment is brutal and very gruesome and been in this environment for a long time so he may feel ready to leave and came up with a good idea
  • Lotus Eater

    Lotus Eater
    Odysseus first came to the Land of the Lotus Eaters after his ship accidentally sailed near the island when Odysseus' men went onto the Lotus Eaters island, and they were encouraged by the natives to eat the Lotus plant. This plant acted as a type of drug, causing the sailors to forget about their home and their goals. So instead of going home to their beloved families, they wanted to stay on the island and eat the lotus plant all-day.
  • Lotus eaters

    Lotus eaters
    Analysis we learned that he shouldn't have been so close to the island in the first place so it tells me that he is curious. I Think that his crew are followers and not leaders because they listen to every body but themselves. Odysseus lose some of his men and gained knowledge not go around that island.
  • Cyclops

    Polyphemus the cyclops greets Odysseus and his men in a fairly friendly manner, but that doesn't last. He tells them he cares nothing for the gods because the cyclops are stronger than them. He asks where their ship is. Then he grabs two of the men, kills them and eats them. The Cyclops traps them in a cave and comes back the next evening and Odysseus shares some wine with him then the cyclops is drunk and falls asleep and Odysseus puts a stick up the Cyclops eye and Odysseus and his men escape.
  • Cyclops analysis

    Cyclops analysis
    Odysseus lost two of his men and gained information on the Cyclops and the island their on. We learned that his crew listens to him because in the process of making the spear they followed all of Odysseus’s directions
  • Circe

    Circe has magical capabilities which she uses to turn some of Odysseus’s men into pigs. When Odysseus resists her magic with the assistance of the god Hermes Circe invites him into her bed, then bathes him, feeds him, and releases his men from the spell she’s cast on them. Her hospitality was so good that Odysseus lost sight of his goal to return home to his real wife. Also Odysseus cheated on his wife and I bet if she would have cheated on him then she would probably been killed by Odysseus.
  • Circe analysis

    Circe analysis
    Odysseus lost a man because he died from falling off the roof. He lost precision time that could have been spent trying to get home. He learned that The island of Circe is always a beautiful place to go and that Circe will always treat you well which is a great thing. His crew learned not to mess with Circe.
  • Aeolus bag of wind analysis

    Aeolus bag of wind analysis
    Odysseus lost trust in his crew if we think about if there was gold in that bag then they would have taken the gold so if they had the chance to steal from Odysseus they would. He gained information on a route to Ithaca. We learned that the crew is full of thieves and not trustworthy
  • Aeolus Bag of wind

    Aeolus Bag of wind
    After Odysseus escaped successfully from the Cyclops they were headed to Aeolus the ruler of wind and ask for a bag of wind to stir their way back home. After sailing for 10 days they were able to see Ithaca but some of Odysseus crew thought there was gold in the bag and his crew opened the bag and they were blown far way from Ithaca and back at Aeolus’s island and he refused to help him and now the gods are mad at him.