Images (14)


  • 500


    the symbol is the cirlce that has black on one side and white on the other
  • 550

    other religions

    the religions taoism and buddism impacted the religion confuscianism because they are origin from the same idea
  • 551

    early confucianism

    early confucianism
    (BC)Kong Qiu or Kong Fuzi was the founder of a way of life, philosophy, or religion named Confucianism after a Latinized form of the founder's name. Confucius.
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    where it was born

    Confucius was born in the state of Lu, which was in eastern China, with a section of coast along the Yellow Sea
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    the religion

    the religion based around Confucius died out at the end of the Chou Dynasty. (BC)
  • Jan 1, 1000

    rapid spread

    Korea, japan, and other asian countries fell under china's control which made confucianism spread rapidly
  • Apr 7, 1006

    the country

    the country
    confucianism was founded through the 6-5 century b.c. it was founded in china, they do not have any specific rituals or practices.
  • Apr 25, 1130

    Chu Hsi

    in 1130-1200 bc a scholor named Chu Hsi, he begin to worship this religion and established it at the temple of Confucius in Qufu.
  • Apr 25, 1156


    confucianism spreaded through out all of asia and its neighboring countries like korea.
  • Jan 5, 1272

    sung dynasty

    sung dynasty
    between the years 917-1272 the state cult of Confucius organized confucianism in the Sung dynasty (BC)
  • leaders

    this religion spreaded because most of the leaders in china believed in this religion
  • dates

    confucianism did not have big dates, but paid most attention to their rituals.
  • importance

    confucianism is a very important piece of chinese history because it taught justice and sincerity in a family unit
  • teachings

    confucians teaching has spread from china to korea and other countries from the last 2500 years
  • people

    there are 6,300,000 people who practice confuscianism till this day
  • regions where it is practiced

    the regions where it is most practiced include china japan vitnam and most parts of eastern asia
  • revived

    During the Qin Dynasty, the Emperor started Confucian scholars. Confucianism survived, and revived in 195 B.C. in the Han Dynasty.