
Conflict of Values: Traditionalism vs. Modernism

By canun16
  • Realism begins

    Realism begins
    (1850-1880) Realism appears in Europe. Depicts life, through art and literature, to be as real as life itself, nothing exaggerated or streached.
  • Charles Darwin's Origin of Species is published

    Charles Darwin's Origin of Species is published
    Darwinism (theory of evolution) challenges the church's idea of Creationism, leading to conflict in and out of the worlds of science and religion.
  • American Civil War ends

    American Civil War ends
    The American Civil War ends. At the peak of the war, the Lincoln made abolition a war effort. War turns from being about nationalistic aspects to being about preserving the union(i.e. fighting for aboliton)
  • Impressionism Begins

    Impressionism Begins
    Impressionism (1867-1886). Inspired by work of French artist Claude Monet, shows more movement and texture in the work.
  • Charles Darwin Dies

    Charles Darwin Dies
  • James Henry Beard paints "It's very Queer, Isn't IT"(c 1885)

    James Henry Beard paints "It's very Queer, Isn't IT"(c 1885)
    Painting represents the questioning of Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
  • Post Impressionisk Begins (c.1885)

    Post Impressionisk Begins (c.1885)
    Post Impressionism, like Impressionism, shows much texture and color, except the artists rebelled from other impressionist to develope their own form (Van Gogh and Suerat)
  • Fauvism Begins (c.1900)

    Fauvism Begins (c.1900)
    Fauvism (1900-1907) New form of European Art that revolves around strong color and impressionist views.
  • Alfred Henry Maurer paints "Jeanne" (c. 1904)

    Alfred Henry Maurer paints "Jeanne" (c. 1904)
    Alread Henry Maurer paints "Jeanne" which represents the changing depictions of women in artwork at the turn of the century.
  • Cubism Begins (c.1908)

    Cubism Begins (c.1908)
    Cubism (1908-1914) Art that takes a surreal approach to form by breaking it up to look abstract. (Picasso & Braque)
  • The Armory Show( c. Early 1913)

    The Armory Show( c. Early 1913)
    The Armory Show in New York displays new and different European Art like Picasso, Kandinsky, and Matisse
  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    Assasination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinan sparks conglict in Serbia, with all countries joining sides to fight,
  • Thomas Wilmer Dewing paints "Spring" (c.1917)

    Thomas Wilmer Dewing paints "Spring" (c.1917)
    Dewing paints "Spring"(The Garden), a transition of Dewing worjk from traditional depictions of women to different outside scenarios of women actively engaging something, be it music or fortune telling (a later painting).