Tech image


  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Charles Babbage invents a steam-driven calculating machine.
  • Calculating the 1880 census

    Calculating the 1880 census
    Herman Hollerith saves the government $5 million by designing a punch card able to calculate the 1880 census in just 3 years!
  • Computer Build Attempt

    Computer Build Attempt
    A proffesser of physics and mathematics at Iowa State University, J.V. Atanasoff attempts to build the first computer without any shafts or belts or anything like that.
  • 1st Calculator Computer

    1st Calculator Computer
    J.V. Atanasoff and his graduate student, Charles Berry, deisgn a computer that can solve 29 math problems quickly. This is the first time a computer could store info on ots main memory.
  • Period: to


    ENIAC, also known as the first computer, is built by two proffessers from the University of Pennslyvania. "ENIAC" stands for Electronic Numerical Intregrator and Calculator.

    The two professers that built ENIAC, John Mauchly and J. Presper
    Eckert, leave the University of Pennslyvania and go to build a commercial/government computer that is known as UNIVAC.
  • 1st Computer Languge/ IBM 701 EDPM

    1st Computer Languge/ IBM 701 EDPM
    Grace Hopper develops the first computer languge that will soon be known as COBOL. Also, Thomas Johnson Watson, Jr., (he's the son of Thomas Johnson Watson, Sr.,) constructs the IBM 701 EDPM in order to keep tab on the Korean War.

    The computer languge, FORTRAN, is "born'.
  • Intregated Circuit Revealed

    Intregated Circuit Revealed
    The intregated circuit is reaveleld to the public by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. An intregated circuit is also known as a computer chip.
  • First GUI Computer

    First GUI Computer
    Douglas Engelbart shows a prototype of a computer with a mouse and graphical user interface. This can also be called a GUI computer.
  • First DRAM Chip

    First DRAM Chip
    The first Dynamic Access Memory chip, or the DRAM chip, is invented.
  • Floppy Disk Invented

    Floppy Disk Invented
    The floppy disk is invented by Alan Shurgart and a few other IBM engineers, allowing computers to share information.
  • IBM 5100

    IBM 5100
    The IBM 5100 is released as one of the most portable computers ever.
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    On April Fool's Day, Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak release Apple I, which quickly becomes very popular.
  • TRS-80/Apple II

    TRS-80/Apple II
    Radio Shack releases TRS-80, the first computer meant for non-geek people.
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak release Apple II, an even better version of Apple I.
  • VisCalc

    VisCalc is released and helps accountants out a lot.
  • IBM Personal Computer

    IBM Personal Computer
    The IBM personal computer is released. It has two floppy disks, an Intel Chip, and an optical color monitor. It is also known as the PC.
  • Apple Lisa/Laptop Invented

    Apple Lisa/Laptop Invented
    Apple Lisa, the first computer with a GUI, features several new programs and icons. It also has a drop down menu. This computer will eventually evolve into the macintosh.
    The Gavilan SC is the first portable computer that is called the laptop.
  • Windows Created

    Windows Created
    Microsoft releases Windows.
    Commodore releases the Amiga 1000, which allows advanced video and sound to commense.
  • First Website

    First Website
    The first dot-com is registered. Almost two years later, there are only about 100 dot-coms registered.
  • DeskPro 386

    DeskPro 386
    Compaq brings the DeskPro 386 to the market, which sells quite quickly.
  • HTML

    Tim Berners-Lee develops hypertext markup languge (HTML).
  • Pentium Miroprocessor

    Pentium Miroprocessor
    The Pentium Microprocessor advances the graphics and music of many PC's.
  • PC's Game Time

    PC's Game Time
    PC games start coming out and selling quickly. These games include Command & Conquer, Theme Park, Alone in the Dark 2, and Magic Carpet.
  • Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi becomes a new word in the computing languge.
  • Play Station 2

    Play Station 2
    Sony releases the Play Staton 2