Computers of technology in history

By 100
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage created the Analytical Engine.The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
  • Lee De Forest

    Electronic tube(or Electronic Valve) devoloped by Lee De Forest in America. Before this it would have been impossible to make a digital camera.
  • George Stibitz

    George Stibitz
    Stibitz demonstrated the CNC at the American Mathematical Society conference was held at Dartmouth College. Which was located in New York City)
  • Electronic Digital Computers

    In better to serve mathametical equations aiming artillery shells, the U.S. military invested heavily in computer technology.
  • Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper

    Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper
    The MARK series of computers began with the Mark I in 1944.. It contained almost 760,00 pieces. The Mark I was in operation until 1959. The computer, controlled by pre-punched paper tape, could carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and reference to previous results. It had special subroutines for logarithms and trigonometric functions and used 23 decimal place numbers. Data was stored and counted mechanically
  • John Bardeen

    Invention of Transistor at the Bell Labortiories, USA by William B Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter H. Brattain
  • Clifford Berry

    Clifford Berry
    Clifford built the first electronic digital computer at Iowa state university. He finished the digital computer in 1942 but he started in 1939. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer represented several innovations in computing, including a binary system of arithmetic, parallel processing, regenerative memory, and a separation of memory and computing functions.
  • John Bardeen

    John Bardeen
    John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain, were all scientists at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. They were researching the behavior of germanium crystals as semi-conductors in an attempt to replace vacuum tubes as mechanical relays in telecommunications. The vacuum tube, used to amplify music and voice, made long-distance calling practical, but the tubes consumed power, created heat and burned out rapidly, requiring high maintenance.
  • Jack St Clair Kilby

    The intergated circut inventedby Jack St Clair Kilby at Texas Instruments. Robert Noyes, who later set up Intel, also worked seperatley on the invention. Intel later went onto invent perfect
  • Douglas Englebart

    Mouse conceived by Douglas Englebart, not to become popular until 1983 with Apple computers and not adopted by IBM until 1987 although compatiable computers such as Armstrad PC 1512 were fitted by mouse before this date
  • Microprocessors

    Intel created a computer that was allowed to be smaller then previous computers. The first microprossesor was known as intel 4004:later Intel developed 8080, which became the first computer to make over a million dollars. This computer was priced $360
  • Michael Shrayer

    Michael Shrayer
    write the manuals for computer programs on the same computers the programs ran on. He wrote the somewhat popular and the actual first PC word processing program, the Electric Pencil in 1976.
  • PCs

    The first PC was made. IBM put out an accesory known as the portable computer.It was known as the more accseable computer.
    These computers came equipped with Microsoft Disk Operating system. Konk as (MS- DOS).
  • Microsoft was made

    Microsoft was made
    Microsoft promised that the new product would be on the shelf by April 1984. Windows might have been released under the original name of Interface Manager if marketing whiz, Rowland Hanson had not convinced Microsoft's founder Bill Gates that Windows was the far better name.
  • Future computers of 2017

    Future computers of 2017
    It’s truly what we called vision, and it’s absolutely possible given the fact that the Google’s co-founder, Sergey Brin has demo’ed the glass with skydivers and creatives. Currently the device is only available to some developers with the price tag of $1500, but expect other tech companies trying it out and building an affordable consumer version.
  • Future Computers

    Future Computers
    The Internet Society engaged in a scenario planning exercise to reveal plausible courses of events that could impact the health of the Internet in the future. While obviously not intended to be a definitive overview of the landscape or all potential issues, we believe the results are interesting and, we hope, thought-provoking.