Computers Evolutionized

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    Computers Evolutionized

  • Z3

    Zuze creates and finished his Z3. The very first elecromechanical digital computer. I think this is important because I think that everything can help evolutionize how computers would later be made. This is also important because it gives people things to start out with.
  • digital electoronic analyzer

    digital electoronic analyzer
    John Mauchly and J. Presper improve Vannever Bush's analyzer by makimng it an electronic version. This version included mercury delay line memory. It was important because it was used in the military ambitions in World War 2.
  • Transitors

    Gordon Teal creates and develops transitiors. Also known as hardware. Gordon's creation is important because it starts with the developments of hardware allows for others to try and make hardware as well.
  • The First mouse

    The First mouse
    Douglass Engebart creates the first mouse. The mouse allows for imput information into the computer. This changes how fast we are able to do something. I think this is also important because I think somehow people started trying to get the most information possible.
  • The First Mini-computer

    The First Mini-computer
    DEC introduces the first mini-computer known as the PDP-8 priced at about $18,500. This was I think a big step for others to try and compete with DEC for more comvinient computers and how they could be able to actually take a computer where they went.
  • RAM

    Intel intoduces the RAM chip or the memory of a computer. This is important because without this we wouldn't of probably been able to use a computer, and wouldn't have an idea of what a comoputer is. This evolutionized how much data we could store into a computer
  • E-mail

    E-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson. The ability to communicate with a computer. I think this is importnat because without this we would had a much harder time communicating than without a phone.
  • First Portalbe Computer

    First Portalbe Computer
    The first portable computer was made by Altair. I think this is important becasue without this people couldn't of taken their information where ever they went and people couldn't have meetings with a computer and able to finsih work at home.
  • First Free Online Translator

    First Free Online Translator
    Altavista intoduces it's first free online translator. I think this is important so we could look words online in the computer and are able to at least say or try and say a few words in a different language. It allows for words that weren't one known by people to be known like "hola" in spanish. Almost everyone knowns it even thought spanish isn't the official language.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    The first floppy desk was invented and created by David Noble. It's important for inserting or transporting data into a computer. I think because of this more storage availibity possible.