Computing Timeline

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    Silent Generation

    During the time period of the Silent Generation, citizens worked hard and stayed quiet. The government was working on "anti- freedom" policies and promoted communism.
  • Telex Messaging

    Telex Messaging
    The Telex was initially developed as a way to distribute military messages. However, the Telex soon became a global network consisting of official and commercial messaging.
  • Zuse's Z3 Computer

    Zuse's Z3 Computer
    Konrad Zuse finishes his computer, also known as the Z3, in 1941. The computer's main purpose was to construct aerodynamic calculations; which helped the military gain knowledge about aircraft and bombs , and how to place them strategically.
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    Baby Boomer Generation

    The "baby boomers" make up almost 20% of the American population today. The name "Baby Boomer" came from the burst of marriage and childbirth after the Great Depression and World War II.
  • Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM)

    A group of researchers from Manchester University, developed the Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), also known as the Manchester "Baby." The "Baby" was developed to test the Williams Tube which was electronic memory for computers. In 1948, Tom Kilburn wrote a 17 step of instructions and called it a program; it was the very first program to run on an electronic stored-program computer.
  • Digital Phone Lines

    Phone corporations developed digital transmission for internal properties, and to put more calls on each of the main lines. In 1958, the "T1 Standard" was produced globally. This heavily increased communication in the population.
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    Generation X

    Generation X represents a time of shifting societal values. During this generation, there was increasing divorce rates, and increased maternal percentages in the workforce.
  • CICS

    CICS (Customer Information Control System) is a transaction processing system. CICS replaced the old "punch card" method and increased the speed of interaction between the companies and their customers.
  • LaserDisc

    MCA and Philips first introduced the LaserDisc; the first LaserDisc sold was "Jaws." LaserDisc offered improved video and audio quality compared to other players.
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    Generation Y

    Also known as the millennials, Generation Y is known for the increased familiarization of communications, digital technology, and media.
  • Personal System/2 (PS/2) Machines

    Personal System/2 (PS/2) Machines
    This computer was the first IBM system to include Intel's 80386 chip; this gave users the ability to use a mouse with IBM PCs for the first time.
  • iMac

    The iMac was significant due to its ease-of-use, and it included a manual consisting mostly of pictures and about 20 words. Also, the launch of the iMac was considered the "turning point" away from Apple's bankruptcy.
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    Generation Z

    Generation Z , also known as the iGeneration, consists of people born after 2000. This generation is currently up against increased diversity and high levels of technology. Generation Z kids will live and grow up in a highly sophisticated media environment, along with advanced computing.
  • Dropbox

    The first Dropbox was founded by Arash Ferdowsi and Drew Houston. The Dropbox was designed for "cloud" storage and an easy way to access files from any device or computer.
  • Apple iPhone

    Apple launches an iPhone in 2007 that combines music, web browsing, and cellular all in one. The phone had several other new features that had never been seen before. The easy access and convenience of the phone made it a success!
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    Generation NEW

    Generation NEW is the most technologically advanced generation yet. Google has taken over the technology market and is continuously growing along with Apple. Google self-driving cars help people get around quickly and efficiently without having to wait on an actual human. Also, Apple's new developments with solar power is gonna help people interact through their "rad" technology.