Computer pioneers

By LaylayG
  • John Antanasoff

    John Antanasoff
    Created the fisrt electronic digital computer
  • Reynold Johnsopn

    Reynold Johnsopn
    created the flash drive and the disc drive
  • Grace hopper

    Grace hopper
    fisrt Progammer of the compiler
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Mathematically educated and directed computers and gathering data.
  • Ralph Baer

    Ralph Baer
    He was a very intelligent video game editor
  • Jean Bartik

    Jean Bartik
    She was involved with the computer program called ENIAC THE first programmed computer.
  • Jean Sammet

    Jean Sammet
    Developed formac
  • Philip Estridge

    Philip Estridge
    Lead development of the orignal IBM
  • Nolan Bushnell

    Nolan Bushnell
    Created the Atari
  • Vinton Cerf

    Vinton Cerf
    Was a very educated engineer and works with google.
  • Anita Borg

    Anita Borg
    Founded the institute for women and technology.
  • Alan Cooper

    Alan Cooper
    Created the Ruby programming language.
  • James Gosling

    James Gosling
    Father of the Java programming language.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Created apple!!! left college to persue career.
  • Robert Morris

    Robert Morris
    Created a virus! Ways to harm a computer or to hack into computers.