Computer History Timeline

By 9587605
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Abacus 3000bc

    Abacus 3000bc
    The abacus is invented in Babylonia
  • Jan 1, 1001

    Antikythera Device 80 ad

    Antikythera Device 80 ad
    The Antikythera Device, a bronze mechanical lunar month calculator, is constructed in Greece
  • mechanical calculator

    mechanical calculator
    Wilhelm Schickard designs the first known mechanical calculator, the "Calculating Clock" to multiply large numbers.
  • Type Writer

    Type Writer
    The first typewriter is patented by William Austin Burt. It's slow and clumsy, but it's the first writing machine.
  • ACE

    Turing completes the ACE, considered by many to be the first programmable digital computer, at Britain's National Physics Laboratory
  • IBM RAMAC 305

    IBM RAMAC 305
    IBM introduces the first disk storage system, the IBM RAMAC 305. It holds 5 MB of data on 50 2-foot wide platters.
  • apple II computer

    apple II computer
    The Apple II computer is introduced at a trade show
  • NeXT cube

    NeXT cube
    Steve Jobs introduces his new computer, the NeXTcube, with an object-oriented operating system
  • iMac

    Apple releases the iMac
  • Ipad

    ipad wifi model is released