
Computer History Time Line

  • first apple computer invented

    first apple computer invented
    The apple I was the first with a single circuit board used in a cpomputer.
  • The first ipod invented

    The first ipod invented
    There are four current types of ipods generations and theuy are: ipod shuffle ipod nano ipod classic, and ipod touch.
  • Firet xbox

    Firet xbox
    The xbox was the first consoled by an american company after the Atali jaguar stoped sales in 1995 and it ws launched in november 2002 to allow players to play on line with a broadboard connection.
  • First iphone

    First iphone
    It was convieved as an idea of using a multi-touch touchscreem to interact with a computer in a way which he could type dirrectly onto the display.
    I chose it because It is new tecnology that day by day it is getting better.
  • The first tablet ipad invented

    The first tablet ipad invented
    An ipad can shoot videos shoot,take photos,play music,send and recieve e-mail and browse the web you can play games, reference, GPS navigation social network etc. Can be able by downloading apps.