1980's Computer History Timeline

  • 3.5 inch floppy drive

    3.5 inch floppy drive
    The device was used for memory and storage. The creation of the 3.5-inch floppy drive because it normalized its size in comparison to the original floppy drive.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    The company, IBM introduces the first personal computer to the public. Phillip Don Estridge and Mark Dean are the creators. It's marketed audience allowed computers to become more accessible and common within the homes of everyday people.
  • The Lisa Computer

    The Lisa Computer
    Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple had created the first commercial pc with a graphical unit interface (GUI), which was called the Lisa Computer. It was important because in the future Microsoft and Apple would adopt the GUI and use it for most personal computers.
  • CD-ROM

    It was invented by Phillips and Sony, the individual creators are unknown. The CD-ROM was invented before 1985, but it was released to the public during that year. The disk was influential because it was able to hold 550 gigabytes of data, and made it easier for computers to access data from disks.
  • Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word
    Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie were hired by Microsoft to create Word. The program was free. It became highly influential and is now the global standard for digital writing