Computer History

By LOL64
  • Gas lighting (1804)

    Gas lighting (1804)
    Freidrich Winzer was the first person to patent gas lighting (1804).The term “gaslighting” refers to when someone manipulates you into a question and second, guessing your reality.
  • The first steam locomotives (1814)

    The first steam locomotives (1814)
    George Stephenson designs the first steam locomotives (1814).A machine that could effectively draw water from flooded mines using steam pressure.
  • The Toy Ballon

    The Toy Ballon
    Professor Michael Faraday invents the toy balloon (1824).A toy thats made with aluminized plastic or rubber.They come in different sizes and shapes.
  • The Electromagnet

    The Electromagnet
    william stergeon invents the Electromagnet.electromagnetic radiation is used by wavelength into radio wave, microwave etc.
  • The Typewriter

    The Typewriter
    W.A Burt invents the typewriter (1829).The typewriter is a type of messenger that is done by using keys to type and print of sheets so they can be sent.At this time, characters were also printed out to be sent,
  • Algebra

    George Boole creates elementary algebra(1840).Its a broad part of math which also includes number theory, geometry and analysis.
  • Analytical machine

    Analytical machine
    Charles Babbage creates the analytical machine (1900). It was known as a turing machine.
  • Count Alessandro invents the Battery (1800)

    Count Alessandro invents the Battery (1800)
    Count Alessandro Invents the first battery in the 1940.( known as the Voltaic pile).A battery contains cells which contain energy to put into electronics in order for them to function.
  • Harvard Mark I

    Harvard Mark I
    Harvard Mark I is created (1944). a general purpose electromechanical computer that was used in the war effort during the last part of World War II.
  • The Electric Deuce

    The Electric Deuce
    English computer used to send messages, contains stroage.Programming the DEUCE involved added complication, as each instruction had to wait its turn in the delay line.