Computer History

  • Pascal

    A calculation device that could calculate up to 8 figures
  • French Weaver

    French Weaver
    Joseph Jacquard found he could store his weaving patterns on cards with holes.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Designed two devices that could do complicated things. He is considered the first computer programmer.
  • Electrical "Computer"

    Electrical "Computer"
    Used punch cards to keep census data.
  • Mark I

    Mark I
    The first computer like machine. Built by IBM and Harvard, it was 52 feet long, weighed 50 tons, and had 750,000 parts. This also used punch cards for data.
  • John Neumann

    John Neumann
    Designed rules for the computers we know today. He included an arthemetic unit. This made it possible to store programming instructions.

    UNIVAC was built and sold to the US Census, (Universal Automatic Computer)
  • Transistors

    This resulted in smaller, faster, and more reliable computers.
  • Early programming languages

    Early programming languages
    FORTRAN and COBOL were the twoearly programming languages used for the more advanced computers at that time.
  • Compact CPU

    Compact CPU
    Apple had created the first computer and soon after that many other companies did the same.
  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs built the first Apple computer in thier garage.
  • Affordable computers

    Affordable computers
    Now that computers are being produced people are now able to buy them for an inexpensive price.