
Computer history

  • The difference engine

    The difference engine
    The difference engine can be said as the first mechanical computer/calculator ever made by Charles Babbage.
  • Motion sensor

    Motion sensor
    The first motion sensor's we're created to prevent burglars from breaking in and was more and more popular as time goes on for security.
  • Inkjet printer

    Inkjet printer
    The inkjet printers was first manufactured in 1950s but was not used by families until 1980s. As the first color printer, it was later developed around 1990.
  • Commodore SX-64

    Commodore SX-64
    The commodore was the first full color portable
    computer/game console.
  • Smart TV

    Smart TV
    People before refer the smart tv as a brain of itself but didn't have much options to do on smart tv's till now.
  • IBM Simon

    IBM Simon
    The first touch sreen phone that IBM has made, The IBM Simon can also be referred as the first "Smart phone".
  • Xbox

    The first XBOX in history was manufactured by microsoft, it was also the first game console to accuire a built in hard drive.