Computer Evolution Activity

By tim1111

    The ENIAC was the first computer ever made. In this case, Charles Babbage was the inventor. With the ENIAC would he start a long string of innovations done to evolve the computer to what it is today. Citations:
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    The Apple II is the next innovation of the computer because it was the first to feature a GUI or graphical user interface. This marked the beginning of all computer with a GUI. Citation:
  • TRS-80

    The TRS-80 was a competitor of the Apple II. As the third greatest innovation in computer history, the TRS-80 is famous because it was one of the first personal computer's available for purchase. Citation;
  • Macintosh

    The Macintosh is one of the greatest innovations of the Computer ever created. The Macintosh is the first computer that was affordable for families and individuals to buy that included a GUI. WIth this computer, Steve Jobs hoped to "put a computer in every home in America." Citation:
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    The Apple watch is the last in the computer innovations, mostly because it is one of the most, if not the biggest, innovation in computer history. Incorporating a functioning computer into a watch is unprecedented in the computer market. Ultimately, the computer has evolved greatly in the past hundred years, and will only keep evolving. Citation: