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  • First Computer

    First Computer
    First computer ever made was in 1936. The computer took up a whole room and was only used for simple things like typing. It was created at Cambridge University.
  • Attempting to Build Models of the computers

    A scientist of physics and math attempts to make a computer without gears, cams, belts, shafts and other things. This attempt however failed but it encouraged future models to be created.
  • Computer is Beginning to Have Memory

    A teacher named Atanasoff along with his student Clifford Berry created a computer model that could calculate up to 29 equations. This shows the first time a computer was able to store memory.
  • Firs computer Language was Created

    Firs computer Language was Created
    The first computer language now known as COBOL. Another thing that may not sound important but was great for human change was that a woman (Grace Hopper) created this code.
  • Prototype of Modern Day Computer

    A man named Douglass Englebart created a protype of a computer with a mouse and GUI. This marks the time that a computer was made into something that was more for the public than math and science.
  • Created Memory Chip

    Created Memory Chip
    The INTEL releases the INTEL 1103, this is the first time a DRAM or memeroy chip was used in a computer.
  • Modern Day Computers

    Modern Day Computers
    Today computers are part of everyday life, we use them for school work storing and many many more.