Colony Innovations

  • Trading Post

    Trading Post
    A Dutch trading post was set up on Manhattan Island. This is an innovation because the trading post made it easier to trade with other places. Now we trade things like goods between states and countries.
  • Tobacco

    John Rolfe learned how to plant tobacco using seeds from the West Indies. They sold the tobacco in England. This is an innovation because they learned how to plant a new plant that they could sell to get more wealth. People stilll chew tobacco today.
  • Public Library Opens

    Public Library Opens
    In Virginia a public library was opened up. The books were donated from English landowners. This is an innovation because now people have access to books. We still have libraries today.
  • New England Constitution/Mayflower Compact

    New England Constitution/Mayflower Compact
    New England was the first to make a written constitution. The constitution was the Mayflower Compact. Everybody on the ship signed it saying that they would obey the laws. This is an innovation because they discovered it would be smarter to write it to make sure that everyone followed it. Now we still write down constitutions.
  • Treaty With Wampanoag/Sqaunto

    Treaty With Wampanoag/Sqaunto
    The Pilgrims discovered that it would be smart to make a Treaty with the Wampanoag. Squanto(a Native American that spoke English) and Chief Massasoit worked out a treaty that would last for 50 years. Squanto taught the pilgrims how to build warm houses and the right times to plant crops. This is an innovation because they learned things that they did not know before. We still use planting techniques that Squanto taught the Pilgrims.
  • Public School

    Public School
    A Boston Latin school became the first public school in America. This was an innovation because they discovered a way to educate people. We still have public schools all over the United States.
  • Telescope

    Issac Newton invented the reflecting telescope. This is an innovation because we invented something new. We still have a reflecting telescope today.
  • Tea

    Tea was introduced to the American colonies. This is an innovation because they discovered a new kind of drink. Tea is still a very popular drink in America.
  • Copper Coins

    Copper Coins
    The 1st copper coins were minted. They were minted in Connecticut. This is an innovation because they invented a new type of money. Today are pennies are still copper.
  • Alaska

    Vitus Bering started to explore the coast of Alaska. This is an innovation because they are learning about new land. Now, many people live in Alaska.