College History

  • Johnathan Edwards starts Great Awakening

    Johnathan Edwards starts Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was started in the 1730s in Massachusetts, and it swept throguh the colonies very fast. It was mainly started becuase people were now believing that not everybody was predestined for heaven or hell. They believed that people could be saved by doing good works.
  • John Peter Zenger legal case

    John Peter Zenger legal case
    John Zenger was involved in a legal case where he was accused of attacking the royal governor. He went to court where he said that he only spoke the truth. Zenger was eventually found not guilty and this led the way for freedom of speech/press.
  • Diphtheria Kills Thousands

    Diphtheria Kills Thousands
    Diphtheria is a disease that affects the nose and throat. Today, it is easily prevented by vaccine. Back then, they didnt have the vaccines so it killed many young people. This grim time would prepare them for the revival that was about to happen.
  • The Triangular Trade is in place

    The Triangular Trade is in place
    The triangular trade was a trade route between the colonies, the West Indies, and Africa. Africa usually provided the labor/slaves, the West Indies provided Sugar/molasses to the colonies, and the colonies made rum for Africa.
  • College of New Jersey is founded

    College of New Jersey is founded
    The College of New Jersey, now Princeton, was founded in 1746. This was a presbyterian college that is still a prestigous university to this day.
  • Education Changes

    Education Changes
    The education system was usually based off theology and dead languages. In 1750, there was a trend toward live languages and other modern subjects. Ben Franklin also played a major role in established the Univeristy of Pennsylvania, which was the first that was free of denominational control.
  • Colonies export a lot of grain

    Colonies export a lot of grain
    The middle colonies produced a lot of grain that they transported to the other countries. New York exported eighty thousand barrels per year by its self. The colonies had a higher standard of living than anyone else in histor, up to this point.
  • Britian vetoes South Carolina's request

    Britian vetoes South Carolina's request
    South Carolina sensed a danger in the amount of resentful slaves so they wanted to halt the importation. Britian, on the other hand, wanted to preserve the supply of cheap labor to the colonies, so Britian repeatedly vetoed all efforts to halt the importation of slaves.
  • Paxton Boys March

    Paxton Boys March
    The Paxton Boys were a group of scots-irish from PA who formed a group to retaliate against the indians after the French and Indian War. There were multiple indians that were killed and many others who were injured in these attacks.
  • 400 Ships

    400 Ships
    In 1770, there were over 400 differentsized ships that carried things each year. About one-third of the British fleet was built by the Americans.
  • Benjamin Franklin starts library

    Benjamin Franklin starts library
    Ben Franklin started a privately supported library in Philadelphia, PA. It was the first privately circulating library in America. This led the way for over fifty public libraries and collections supported by subscriptions.
  • America becomes more democratic than England

    America becomes more democratic than England
    America wasnt a true democracy, but its institutions gave freer reign to democratic ideals than England. Some of these ideals were tolerance, educational advantages, equality of economic oppurtunity, freedom of speech, and more. These ideals would lead the way for the future of a democratic America
  • Colonies have different governments

    Colonies have different governments
    Eight of the thirteen colonies had royal governors who were appointed by the king. Three of the colonies were under proprietors who chose a governor themselves. The final two elected their own governors under their charters.
  • Only two churches were recognized.

    Only two churches were recognized.
    There were two churches that were tax supported and established. They were the Anglican and Congregational churches. Many of the colonies had their own religion, but some did recognize these two. The Anglican religion was the faith in GA, NC, SC, VA, MD, and some of NY.The Congregational chcurch was established in most of the New Englna colonies.
  • Common Sense is published

    Common Sense is published
    This pamphlet was publishes by Thomas Paine. It was very influential and it called for a new type of government called a republic. This was meant to put the power in the hands of the people. It also denied the idea of a monarchy.
  • Independence is suggested.

    Independence is suggested.
    Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, suggests the idea of independence. He suggested this to the second continental congress. It was adopted on July 2nd, 1776,
  • British Navy arrives off American Coast

    British Navy arrives off American Coast
    A fleet of about 500 ships and 35000 men arrived off the coat of New York. Britian saw New York as a great place for a port, so they wanted it. George Washington was only able to get 18000 men, but Washington was forced to retreat.
  • News of Declaration of Independence reaches Charleston

    News of Declaration of Independence reaches Charleston
    There were very few roads that connected the major cities, so traveling was tough. Thenews of the Declaration reached Charleston from Philadelphia twenty nine days after the Fourth of July.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This document was written by Thomas Jefferson and it specified the complaints that the colonists had with the king. It also declared that the colonies were free and independent of Britian.
  • Washington crosses the Delaware

    Washington crosses the Delaware
    George Washington crossed the Delaware River at Trenton on the day after Christmas. He surprised the thousands of Hessians who were sleeping off their Christmas celebration.
  • Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga

    Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga
    John Burgoyne was forced to surrender his enitre command at the Battle of Saratoga. Burgoyne had no way to advance or retreat, so he had to surrender to Horatio Gates.This battle told the world that America was serious about their independence.
  • Washington's Army retires

    Washington's Army retires
    George Washington's army retired to Valley Forge, near Philadelphia, in the winter of 1777. They were very cold and ran low on food, but were whipped into shape by Prussian drillmaster, Baron von Steuben.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Battle of Monmouth
    General Washington attacked the retreating British Soldiers at Monmouth, New Jersey. It was a very hot day, and this alone killed a lot. The battle was indecisive, and the British were able to escape to New York.
  • France offers peace treaty

    France offers peace treaty
    The French offered the Americans a treaty of alliance. This treaty gave the colonists everything that Britian promised and independence. The were both bounded to fight in the war until America got its independence and they agreed to terms with Britian.
  • Other countries join to help Colonies

    Other countries join to help Colonies
    Spain, and Holland joined the fight against Britian in 1779. The Spanish offered a good navy and together with the French, their navy was bigger than Britians.Both of these countries had things against Britian so they wanted to get back at them.
  • Three forts are captured

    Three forts are captured
    George Rogers Clark floated down the Ohio River with about 175 men. He was able to capture three forts rather quickly. They were Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Vincennes. It can be argued that he forced the British to cede the region north of the Ohio River.
  • Armed Neutrality is formed

    Armed Neutrality is formed
    Catherine the Great of Russia organized the Armed Neutrality. It was later called the Armed Nullity. It lined up almost all European powers against Britian. The war wasnt just in America anymore. It was in South America, the Caribbean, and Asia.
  • Reinforcements Arrive

    Reinforcements Arrive
    About 6000 French soldiers arrive as reinforcements. They are commanded by Comte de Rochambeau. They arrived in Newport, Rhode Island. The colonists were still skeptical of the French troops and several scuffles did occur.
  • A traitor is found

    A traitor is found
    Everything was going good until the colonists found out somebody had betrayed them. Benedict Arnold was smart, but greedy and he felt that his services werent appreciated. He plotted to sell out the stronghold at West Point which commanded the Hudson River. The plot ended up being detected and Arnold fled for Britian.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783 is signed.

    Treaty of Paris of 1783 is signed.
    This treaty formally recognized independence for the United States.It granted generous land boundaries to the Mississippi and the west, the great lakes, and to Spanish Florida. The Yankees also kept their hold on the fisheries. The loyalists couldnt be persecuted and Congress was to recommend laws to restore loyalist lands back to the loyalists.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    This made a plan for new land to be surveryed and potentially added as a new state. The ladn could be divided into sections and townships,
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    A rebellion in Massachusetts occured at this time. The rebellion was led by Daniel Shays. It consisted of mostly farmers who were losing their farms due to high taxes.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This act created the first organized terriotry. It created many new states west of the Appalachians but south of the Canadian border. This ordinance agreed to give all future states admitted the same equality/rights of the older states.
  • Delegates meet

    Delegates meet
    Twelve states all brought delegates together in Philadelphia in 1787. They met in an old statehouse. These delegates that participated were known as "Demigods." They were all big named delegates that woud move on to be great politicians.
  • Constitution signed

    Constitution signed
    There were originally 55 delegates, but now only 42 remained to sign it. Three resisted signing altogether. The Constitution was now signed, but there would be a fight for ratification.
  • Constitution adopted

    Constitution adopted
    Four states quickly adopted the Constitution, bu then there was a delay. Some states resisted signing the Constitution into effect. Virginia, New York, Rhode Island, and North Carolina finally adopted the Constituion to finish off the list. The Constituion was finally adopted on June 21, 1788.
  • Washington Elected President

    Washington Elected President
    George Washington became the first President of the United State of America. He was elected unanimously by the Electoral College. This would be the only time a president would be elcted with complete unamity.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    This judiciary act was a document that set up the Supreme Court and the Federal Court System. This allowed for John Jay to become the first Supreme Court Chief Justice. This act allowed the government to be fully complete and ready to go.
  • Neutrality Proclamation issued

    Neutrality Proclamation issued
    President Washington issued this Neutrality Proclamation to state that the U.S. was not going to favor Britian or France, but stay nuetral and out of the French Revolution. The Federalists were happy with this announcement, but the Democratic Republicans were very upset we didnt help France.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion occured in Western Pennsylvania. The whiskey makers were upset over this tax that Himilton imposed. The government had to respond and Washington did with an overpowering 13,000 troops.
  • Jay's Treaty created

    Jay's Treaty created
    John Jay was sent to England by Washington to get a treaty signed. Hamilton actually gave away Jay's negotiating strategy, but John Jay did get a treaty signed. The British were to leave frontier posts, England would pay for impressment damages, and war was avoided.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Pinckney's Treaty
    Thomas Pinckney was sent to Spain to get a treaty signed with them. Spain thought the U.S. was getting too close with England, so they wanted to keep a good relationship alive. Some of the terms of this treaty are the U.S. can travel down the Mississippi River and part of Florida.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    President Adams sent delegates to France to ease relations. Their goal was to avoid war, but they werent allowed to talk to to French officials. The americans were offered a lopsided deal to talk to Talleyrand, but they refused it and went home.
  • Alien Acts and Sedition Acts

    Alien Acts and Sedition Acts
    President Adans signed these laws into effect. The Alien Acts raised the residency limit to vote from 5 to 14 years. The Sedition Act limited the speech of critics of the government. These acts would be repealed later on.
  • Jefferson become president

    Jefferson become president
    Thomas Jefferson become president after controversy. Jefferson and Burr tied in the amount of Electoral Votes they got. The tie was then sent to the House of Representatives, where they kept voting tie over and over. Finally, Hamilton and Adams pledged their support for Jefferson, who would go on to win.
  • Erie Canal Construction begins

    Erie Canal Construction begins
    The construction of this Erie Canal was started in this year. New York's governor, DeWitt Clinton, approved the canal, and the consturction was comleted in 1825. This canal was made to connect the Atlantic Ocean with the inner waterways.
  • First Railroad appears in the U.S.

    First Railroad appears in the U.S.
    These railroads were able to be built basically anywhere, and they greatly decreased the time needed to transport things. These railroads would prove to be very valuable for the North. They would be able to use their railroads for their advantage in the Civil War.
  • Cyrus McCormick invents the mechanical reaper

    Cyrus McCormick invents the mechanical reaper
    Cyrus McCormick was born in Virginia, and he created one of most important inventions in history. This mechanical reaper was to the western farmers what the cotton gin was to the south. This invention allowed one man to do the same amount of work as five with hand tools.
  • Steel Plow invented

    Steel Plow invented
    John Deere invents the first steel plow in America. The steel was a lot stronger than wood and it was way more effective. It was light enough to be pulled by horses, not oxen.
  • Caroline Ship Attacked

    Caroline Ship Attacked
    The U.S. Ship Caroline was attacked above Niagara Falls. It was carrying supplies to rebels, but was attacked by Canadians. McLeod was one man who said he helped in the attack, Americans took exception and were about to kill him, but he was released. Canada said that if we killed him, then it would be a declaration of war.
  • Aroostook War

    Aroostook War
    There was a dispute about the Maine border between Britian and America. Britian wanted the border to be higher up so they could build a road from Halifax to Quebec. They basically split the difference between the lands and settled this dispute with the Webster/Ashburton Treaty.
  • Polk wins election of 1844

    Polk wins election of 1844
    James Polk defeated Henry Clay in this election. Polk ran as a presidetn who wanted to expand into other lands. Once elected, he had a four point plan. They were to lower the tariff, restore the independent treasury, clear up the order border issue, and get California.
  • Period: to

    Wilmot Proviso

    A Senator from Pennsylvania, David Wilmot, proposed this bill called the Wilmot Proviso. This bill was created to ban all slavery in the new Mexican Cession lands. The House passed this bill twice, but it would never make it through the Senate since it was balanced. Although it was never passed, it stirred up the tensions and debate over slavery.
  • Oregon Border issue settled

    Oregon Border issue settled
    The Oregon Border issue was resolved by the Oregon Treaty or the Treaty of 1848. The Americans wanted the 54 parallel. The Brtish wanted the Columbia River, but they agreed on the 49th Parallel to be the new border.
  • Mexican/American War ended

    Mexican/American War ended
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, and this ended the war, America got more lands(California), and the U.S. would pay $15 million for the lands to Mexico.
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    The election of 1848 featured the two major parties, Democrats and Whigs, and even a third party that may have cost one man the presidency. Lewis Cass, a democrat, ran against Zacharyb Taylor, a whig, and Martin Van Buren, a free-sioler. Cass was set up to win the election, but Van Buren took votes away from him in New York, and Zachary Taylor won New York and the presidency.
  • Gold Rush hit California

    Gold Rush hit California
    Gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in 1848, but the "Forty Niners" flooded to California in 1849. Everybody wanted the chance to become rish and this was the quickest way. California gained enough people to where they could become a state, and possibly shift the 15-15 free-slave state balance to a majority.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromise was created to settle the issues dealing with slavery and which states would be free/slave. This compromise gave the North the better end of the deal. The North got California admitted as a free state, got the slave trade banned in D.C., and Texas gave up its disputed lands with New Mexico. The south got popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession lands, Texas was paid $10 million, and a new Fugitive Slave Law was passed.
  • Clayton–Bulwer Treaty

    Clayton–Bulwer Treaty
    This treaty was signed by the British and the U.S. It said that neither the U.S. nor Britian could build a canal connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans without the other's permission.
  • Election of 1852

    Election of 1852
    The democrats nominated Franklin Pierce and the Whigs nominated their last canidate, Winfield Scott. The Free Soil Party even put up a canidate where they took 5% of the vote, which hurt Scott. Pierce won in a landslide and the Whig Party was basically over.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska Act was created in 1854. It formed Kansas and Nebraska as territories and allowed them to vote on the issue of slavery.
  • Republican Party Formed

    Republican Party Formed
    This party was a mostly northern party. It was formed by whigs and northern democrats. This party was against slavery.
  • Election of 1856

    Election of 1856
    James Buchanan defeated Millard Fillmore and John Fremont. Fremont was a republican, Bucnanan was a democrat, and Fillmore was from the Know-Nothing Party.
  • Brooks beats Sumner

    Brooks beats Sumner
    Charles Brooks beat Preston Brooks up with a cane in Congress. Brooks took offense to some comments made by Sumner about his family so he entered Congress and beat Brooks with a cane. This showed just how much slavery was affecting everyone.
  • Pottawatomie Massacre

    Pottawatomie Massacre
    John Brown and five other anit-slavery people marched into Pottawatomie Creek in Kansas and killed five pro slavery guys. This was a response to what had happened in Lawrence Kansas.
  • Bleeding Kansas Fights

    Bleeding Kansas Fights
    The people of the Kansas Territory were divided on the issue of slavery. SOme of them wanted slavery and others were deeply against it. There were many violent incidents like in Lawrence and Pottawatomie Creek that led to Bleeding Kansas.
  • Dred Scott decsion

    Dred Scott decsion
    Dred Scott was a a slave that was suing for his freedom. Judge Taney handed down the ruling that Scott had no legal right to sue for his freedom, and he wasnt a citizen. Taney also said slavery was legal and no legislative body could outlaw slavery. He also said the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
  • Lecompton Constitution rejected

    Lecompton Constitution rejected
    the Lecompton constitution was a constitutio made by the Kansas government that could be approved with or without slavery. EIther way there would be slavery though. this made many people mad. President Buchanan gave his approval, but Stephen Douglass argued against it in the Senate and it was ultimatley rejected.
  • Panic of 1857

    Panic of 1857
    This economic panic followed suit of a panic every 20 years. This one was caused by over-speculation and inflation becuase there wasnt enough gold/silver to back up the money.
  • Tariff of 1857

    Tariff of 1857
    This tariff was a major reduction from the Previous Walker Tariff. It lowered tariff rates to around 17 percent and would be a mid-century low. This was in response to the economic panic.
  • Hinton Helper published book

    Hinton Helper published book
    Hinton Helper published the book The Impending Crisis of the South. This book said that non-slave owning whites were affected the worst by slavery. She also claimed that slavery hurt the southern economy.
  • Lincoln and Douglass debate

    Lincoln and Douglass debate
    Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglass debated seven times in Illinois. They debated for the Senate seat. Douglass ended up winning, but Lincoln made a political name for himself.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    John Brown returned at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He was trying to arm a lot of slaves and create a rebellion, but his plan was leaked. General Robert E. Lee captured John Brown and he was killed. John Brown became a martyr.
  • Lincoln Wins Presidency

    Lincoln Wins Presidency
    In the election of 1860, nobody recieved a majority of the popuar vote. Lincoln received the most votes though and won about 40% of the popualr vote. He ended up winning enough electoral votes to get elected.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina promised to secede from the Union if Lincoln won the presidency. Lincoln won and the people wanted to see what SC would do. They seceded and would be shortly followed by six others like GA, AL, MS, LA, TX, and FL.