Cold War to Present

By KeyMak
  • T.V. Event

    T.V. Event
    The children of the 1940's were the T.V. generation. The event caused people to stay inside there house more, and stay up later watching the television. The T.V. generation impacted society because there was coast to coast programs which allowed people to watch things about History or about presidential inogurations
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The cold war was the United States against the U.S.S.R. The war was located in U.S.S.R and the U.S. It was a state of tension between the two countries without any fighting. It started in 1945 and the reason was communism and democracy.
  • Brown VS. Board

    Brown VS. Board
    Oliver Brown wanted his daughter to attend an all white school with 13 other children in Kansas. He conducted a case like Plessy VS. Ferguson case. The lawsuit was filed by Thurgood Marshal, and he said that it violated the 14th amendment. Overturned the Plessy VS. Ferguson Case. This impacted society because it desegregated all schools.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    West Berlin and East Berlin where against each other because 3 million East Berliners fled to West Berlin because they did not want to be communist. So on August 1961 overnight they built the Berlin Wall to keep the East Berliners on their side, and anyone who got to close to the wall would get shot. The Berlin Wall impacted society because it kept people in East or West Berlin so if you wanted to see a family member on the other side you could not get over there.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    On Friday November 2nd 1963, in Dallas Texas. John F. Kennedy was shot in his head and slumped down in his seat. He was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald from a Warehouse. The JFK Assassination impacted society because the President of the United States was killed.
  • Medicaid

    Medicaid was set up by Social Security Administration in 1965, and they gave state governments money to help low income people of all ages with medical bills. Medicaid was the largest source of funding for people with low income. Medicaid impacted society because the benefits vary from state to state and because someone qualifies for it in one state does not mean they will qualify for it in another state.
  • Medicare/ Medicaid

    Medicare/ Medicaid
    Medicare was started inn 1966 by Lyndon Johnson, and it is where the government helps pay hospital bills of citizens over the age of 65, and it covers half the bill. Medicare impacted society because older adults paid more than three times as much for health care insurance than younger people.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    On May 4th 1970, 21,000 kids at an Ohio school protested after Nixon's pledge to bomb Cambodia. They held a peaceful pledge but the police became involved and started clubbing and stabbed student protesters. The national guards became involved. They got annoyed and started shooting kids. In the end 4 students were killed and 9 were injured. This impacted society because the national guards were found not guilty.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford was elected in 1974 as a Republican. He pardoned Richard Nixon and started a trade with the Soviet Union and was part of the warren Commission investigation JFK's assassination. Gerald Ford impacted society because he started the trade with soviet Union and investigated JFK's assassination.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 and was a republican. He was the governor of California and a movie star. He cut taxes and there was a big deficit. Ronald Reagan impacted society because he helped reduce nuclear weapons, he put the first women justice on the supreme court.
  • Social Network Revolution

    Social Network Revolution
    The first social network cite was Geocites in 1994. Since then multiple social networks have been released such as Twitter, Facebook, Snap chat, and Instagram. By using these it is an easy way to connect with friends and loved ones to share news and updates, they also use this to get to know people, and job searching. The Social Network Revolution impacted society because it has become very mobile and it has changed the way we interact with each other.
  • Financial Crisis 2008

    Financial Crisis 2008
    The U.S. Financial Sector stopped trusting people so they stopped making loans. The mortgage dealers couldn't pay so they went into foreclosure. So, Insurance company's traded for credit swaps making trillions. This impacted economy because the deep recession had taken over most of the war.