Cold War

  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan is a program of finicia aid and other initatives. This program is supported by the Us. The Marshall plan was created to help economies in western Europe.The Marshall plan had poured millions of dollars in to rebuilding Europe.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    When France, Great Britian, and the US proposed to unify their occupatin zones, it helped encouraged the Soviet Union follow through with their plans/. Their plan is known as the Berlin Blockade. The United States and Britian came along, and defeated the Soviets blockade. This defeat was accomplished through an airlift, know as the Berlin airlift.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britian, Iceland, Italy, Luxemourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal ( the ten Western European Nations) joined the Untied States and Canada April 4th 1949. They wanted to come together and form a defensive military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO). NATO had all the membered countries promised that an attack would be regarded as an attack on them all which they would resist with armed forces if needed. The U.S. joined into the
  • Formation of NATO part 2

    Formation of NATO part 2
    a military alliance with other nationsduring the peacetime, which had ended U.S. isolationism.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korean troops invaded South Korea, starting the Korean war. The invasion made Americans worried that communism would spread. Suddenly the Us made the decision of geting involved. The United States supported South Korea due to them being communist.The United states supported them with naval air support, and troops. The outcome was commuism was still being contained, which was good news to the Americans. However, they were still ocncrened communism would spread, and that containment would fail,
  • Berlin Wall Goes Up

    Berlin Wall Goes Up
    Communist of east Germany built the Berlin Wall. The wall was made out of conceret and barbaed wire, this was more than 30 miles. This was to seperate themselves from both west Germany and Europe. The East Berlin citizens were not allowed to pass into the West of Berlin. It prevented citizens from leaving and hundreds of citizens were shot and killed. This was from the citienzns trying to get to the other side of the wall.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis 2

    Cuban Missle Crisis 2
    help full in the "missle gap". In Khrushchev eyes it would help prevent the Americans from invading again. Over time the U.S. Navy dropped depth charges to force a Soviet submarine to surface. The submarine contained nuclear weapons. The commander of the submarina was given permission to launch nuclear weapons if threatened. The next day Khrushchev backed down. He agreed to remove the weapons for a U.S. pledge to lift the blockade and abide the inavasion on Cuba. Luckily Kennedy agreed.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Over television President John F. Kennedy had annoucement he had to make. He infromed the nation that the Soviets had secrectly installed nuclear missles in Cuba, and that they were aimed at America.This led up to the 13-day standoff both militarilly and politically. It was a chance to show how quickly things could heat up between the U.S. and Cuba. However, Kennedy made it clear he would not allow the missles to remain in Cuba.Khrushchev thought that movving nuclears missles into Cuba would
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon Visits China
    Richard Nixon takes the first steps into fixing relations with China. Nixons goal while visrting China, was to re-establish diplomatic relations. Nixon also hoped the visit would create a bigger wedge between the two communist powers. The US wanted to use diplomatic relations with China as a way to deal with the Soviets. This resulted in Nixon deciding that he was going to use China to contain VIetnam.
  • U.S. Invades Grenada

    U.S. Invades Grenada
    The assassination of Maurice Bishop was devistating, but even more shocking when the assassinator took over the governement. Suddlenly, people became upset and angry, leading to protesting. Citizens wanted to show they would not accept the new government what so ever! Due to the protest getting out of hand, violence struck and continued to worsen. This put many U.S. citizens in danger in Grenada. Reagans response was ordering 2,000 U.S. trroops to attack. Grenada armed forces resisted to repair
  • U.S. Invades Grenada Part 2

    U.S. Invades Grenada Part 2
    and expand the islands airport. Since the U.S. was lacking in knowldge on the whole situation, it didn't make the confrontation any better then it was before. Regan then demanded more troops, resulting in 20 of those troops killed, and over 100 a hundred wounded. While cuba had over 60 Grenadan and Cuban troops were killed. Eventually the "new government " collapsed. It was then replaced by one that was more acceptable and met U.S standards