1200px claus von stauffenberg (1907 1944)

Claus von Stauffenberg

  • Birth of Claus von Stauffenberg

  • Abolishment privileges nobility

  • Joining family's traditional regiment

  • Meeting Stefan George

    Georgekreis, from which many notable members of the German resistance later emerged.
  • Voiced support for Hitler during the 1932 German presidential election

    The idea of the Führer principle [...] bound together with a Volksgemeinschaft, the principle "The community good before the individual good," and the fight against corruption, the fight against the spirit of the large urban cities, the racial thought (Rassengedanke), and the will towards a new German-formed legal order appears to us healthy and auspicious
  • Attack on Poland

    "It is essential that we begin a systemic colonization in Poland. But I have no fear that this will not occur".
  • Period: to

    Operation Barbarossa

    Stauffenberg had commented openly on the ill-treatment of the Jews when he "expressed outrage and shock on this subject to fellow officers in the General Staff Headquarters in Vinnytsia (Ukraine) during the summer of 1942." "They are shooting Jews in masses. These crimes must not be allowed to continue."
  • Tunesia

    Stauffenberg lost his left eye, his right hand, and two fingers on his left hand.[32] He jokingly remarked to friends never to have really known what to do with so many fingers when he still had all of them. For his injuries, Stauffenberg was awarded the Wound Badge in Gold on 14 April and for his courage the German Cross in Gold on 8 May.
  • Period: to

    In the resistance

    This was a contingency measure to let it assume control of the Reich in the event that internal disturbances blocked communications to the military high command. The Valkyrie plan had been agreed to by Hitler but was secretly changed to sweep the rest of his regime from power in the event of his death.
  • July 20 plot

    From the beginning of September 1943 until 20 July 1944, Stauffenberg was the driving force behind the plot to assassinate Hitler and take control of Germany.
  • Assassination Attempt

  • Execution Claus von Stauffenberg