Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    The 1800's to the end of the Civil war

  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    Spain had originially owned Lousiana but then France, lead by Napoleon, bought it. America pannicked because we thought we were going to go to war with France but Nepoleon sold it to us for a good price without any conflict occuring. Much of the land purchased already had slavery in it.
  • War of 1812

    Winning this war expanded the Northwest territories which opened up the Great Lakes.
  • First Factories in the North

    First Factories in the North
    Samuel Slater established the first textile factory which started the industrial revolution, causing the South that was Cotton King to lose siignificant power.
  • The Transcontinental Treaty of 1819

    The Transcontinental Treaty of 1819
    The Trancontinental Treaty of 1819 allowed America to purchas Florida from the Spainish.President John Quicy Adams signed a treaty with the Spanish Minister Onis. Florida, like Lousiana, became a slave state.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Years that led up to the Missouri Compromise were full of conflict between the pro slave states and abolitionist states. Pressure was building and there were huge debates over whether Missouri should be for slavery or against it. Before there were the same number of slave states and free states but Missouri unbalanced it. Because of the conflict, congress established a compromise to make Missouri a slave state like they asked to be and made Main a free state.
  • Railroads

    Baltimore and Ohio railroad opens which starts the expansion of the railroad industry. This helped transport goods and helped started industrialization of iron and steel for the railroads and tracks. They also opened up more land for expansion because it was easier to get to a place.
  • Texas Annexation

    President Polk wanted to expand more of America so he tried to take Texas from Mexico. He wanted to annex Texas from Mexico which angered the Mexicans and made them threaten the U.S by saying they'd declare war on us. In July 1845 Texas was made a state.
  • Mexican-American War

    A group of Mexicans attacked American soilders, killing some of them. With reinforcements, they were driven out of the American territory. Mexico declared war on America after the incident. This act of violence started because President Polk had provoked the Mexicans. Mexico refused to sell California and some other territories Polk wanted. So the President moved troops near the Rio Grande evn though it was still really Mexico's territory.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    A man named James Wilson Marshall went to California and discovered gold flakes near a river. He tried to keep quiet about it but word got around and people bagan moving to California to mine and pan for gold. Gold had a huge effect on currency back then and was worth alot if you found it.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas and Nebraska Act really tipped the scale between the South and the North. Nebraska was not made a territory yet because it laid between the 36' 30 parallel where slavery was outlawed by the Missouri Compromise that was issued in 1820. a Senator in Illinois, Stephen Douglas, made the Kansas Nebraska Act. He wanted Nebraska to be made into a territory so southerners invaded Kansas and voted it as a slave state.
  • American Civil War

  • American Civil War End