civil war express

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    -north vs. south heated debates about slavery
    -Henry Clay (great compromiser) resolved the conflict
    -the compromise line (36,30') maintained balence between slave and free states
  • nullification crisis

    nullification crisis
    -southern states think tarrifs are unfair and only support the north
    -v.p John C. Calhoun said states could nullify unjust laws.
    -federal govt. denied South Carolina's argument, S.C. threatened to ceced.
    -Henry Clay made a compromise and lowered the tariffs.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    -congress had many heated debates about the new territories won from Mexico, and whether they would be slave or free.
    -Henry Clay said California would be free and they would not put a limit on the others being slavery.
  • fugitive slave act of 1850

    fugitive slave act of 1850
    -it permitted the capture of African Americans who fled north to escape bondage
    -heightend tension and set the stage for John Brown's raid and the civil war.