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Provoking of the Civil War Jordan Thomas

  • Period: to

    America Before the Civil War

  • The 1st U.S Industrial Mill

    The 1st U.S Industrial Mill
    The 1st Cotton Mill in the U.S by Samuel Slater. Gave a richer economy to the North and began the North and South's division.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    Created by Eli Whitney to make cotton processing faster and easier. Although it was created to help remove slavery it inadvertently increased slavery.
  • The Abolitionist Movement

    The Abolitionist Movement
    This movement was created to rid the country of slavery but also led the way to women's rights. The constant berating from the North put the South on edge, and it eventually began to distance itself from the North.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This compromise made Missouri a slave state while making slavery north of Missouri illegal. It also made Maine a free state. The tangible line between North and South made their differences that much more apparent.
  • The Construction of Railroads

    The Construction of Railroads
    The construction fo these railroads helped further connect the states and made the exchange of mail faster. While the railroad systems did further connect the northern and western states, the southern states were left out of the loop. This division prodded on the South's separation from the U.S.
  • The Nat Turner Slave Rebellion

    The Nat Turner Slave Rebellion
    The very successful revolt of this group created a lot of civil unrest. It made slavery that much more harsh in Virgina, the people feared another slave uprising. These rebellions brought slavery to attention and created dispute between the Nprth and South.
  • The Book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" By Harriet Beecher

    The Book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" By Harriet Beecher
    Produced by Harriet Beecher, this book tore into American hearts and struck many southern chords, creating a chain reaction of defense from the South, which claimed that the topics mentioned in the book weren't true. This book was in a sense, the final straw for the South and soon war erupted from both the North and South sides, with the South splitting from the U.S.