Civil war soldiers

Civil War: Causes & Events

  • Political Parties Form

    Political Parties Form
    During the Federalist era, the nation began to develop different views. Federalists like Alexander Hamilton favored a strong national government and tariffs while Democrat-Republicans like Thomas Jefferson favored strong state governments and opposed tariffs. This split in views created sectionalism in the United States.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Territory in present-day Missouri soon gathered enough signatures to file to become a state. The question was: would they be a slave state, or a free state? The North wanted them to be free for moral and political reasons, while the South wanted to keep expanding slavery. Henry Clay was called upon to negotiate a compromise. Maine will break off from Massachusetts and become a free state, evening the numbers. Slavery would now be banned above Missouri as well.
  • American Industrialization

    American Industrialization
    The Market Revolution in America took place in the 1820s-1860s. America was due for an industrial revolution. The northern states became very industrial while the southern states maintained their agricultural ways. The north was advancing a lot quicker than the south, in addition to their extensive transportation systems. The south was behind.
  • Slave Rebellions

    Slave Rebellions
    Many southern slaves started rebellions in the early 19th century. Nat Turner had the most successful slave revolt in 1831, killing around 60 white people in one night. He was later caught and hanged. These rebellions opened the eyes of the northerners and the southerners, convinced the North that slavery must be stopped and the South that masters must be more harsh.
  • Scott v. Sandford

    Scott v. Sandford
    Dred Scott, a Kentucky slave, was the first ever slave to try to sue for his freedom. His master died but left Scott to his nephew in Illinois, a free state. Chief Justice Taney ruled that an African-American, not being a United States citizen, could not file a lawsuit. He went on to say that it would be unconstitutional to deny a man his "right to property." This act infuriated the North.
  • John Brown at Harpers Ferry

    John Brown at Harpers Ferry
    John Brown, a religious man, had a vision telling him in order to abolish slavery he must raid the armory on Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He and his sons killed about 10 marines on guard and managed to take over the arsenal. However, they were stuck on the island as no slaves ended up coming to help. Brown was captured and hanged, becoming the first martyr of the American Civil War. His last words were "...the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood."
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected 16th President

    Abraham Lincoln Elected 16th President
    Abraham Lincoln, a Republican from the North, won the presidential election of 1860. The South was of course outraged, and not but a few days later South Carolina seceeded from the Union. Sevreal other states followed suit and the Civil War had begun. Lincoln's most important issue was keeping the Union together, even if it meant by force.