Civil war: Causes and Effects

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Created by Eli Whitney, the purpose was to make the seperation of the seeds and cotton easy and quickly. The main reason that it was invented was to reduce slavery and hopefully eradicat slavery. But unfortunately slavery boosted to an all time high and more cotton was produced by 50%.
  • Louisiana Purches

    Louisiana Purches
    The Louisiana Purches was the purches that American made that gave them 828,000 square miles of land;which doubled the size of the US. The US paid France 15 million dollars/less than 3 cents per acre. The issue between the South and North is that the North wanted the new land to be all free states and the South wanted the new land to be Slave states.It made tension between the North and
    south worst.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    A Fake line made on the top of the Missouri boarder so that no slave states could be made above the line and that slave states couldnt majority over the north free states. It really made the south upset. The line was made on the 36°30′ parellel. Also that before this, Maine became a state to even out the ratio of free and slave states.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by South Carolina's 1832 Ordinance of Nullification. South Carolina wanted to leave the country but Andrew Jackson said no. Andrew Jackson created a law that would give him the power to use the Army to make a state listen and follow the laws and couldnt make them leave the country.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    Started with Mexico allowing American settlers to settle in Texas and the Settlers wanted to take texas and make it a state. So mexico and america went to war.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Was a Gold Rush in California that abounch of settlers from the east coast went to to strike at being rich. The North wanted to create the states around california free states with all the free land and the south wanted to make them slave states.
  • End of the Mexican War

    End of the Mexican War
    When the war ended, The US won the war and got control of the New Mexico Ordinance which is, California,New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. So with the new land, the south wanted slave states and the north wanted free states.
  • Election of Abraham Lincolin

    Election of Abraham Lincolin
    The south automaticly assumed that Lincolin was going for illegalizing slavery. when Lincolin didnt have a real opinion about it. he didnt really say "care" weather there was slavery or not. but the south hated him just cause he was born in a free state.