Civil War Causes

  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    This is a major event in us history. The cotton gin made it easier to work in cotton fields. The slave trade had a major boost in the south.
  • Missouri Compromise

  • Compromoise of 1850

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This book told the truth about what was going on in the south. All of the stories were true. This also made Europe not want to help in the war.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    This law said that there was poplar sovereignty. So who ever lived there could go to the state and vote on slave or non slave. This caused a war to break out in Kanas. This was known as bleeding Kansas.
  • Dred Scott and the Supreme Court

    Dred Scott and the Supreme Court
    Dred Scott was a slave who was brought to north with his owner. He thought that ssince he was in the north he was free. This was Brought to the supreme court. The court ruled in the save owner's favor saying that slaves are property. This meant someone could move to the north and bring their slaves and they wil be allowed.
  • John Browns Raid on Harper's Ferry

  • Licoln's Election

    Abraham lincoln was elected and he was a man who was against slavary.
  • Sucession of South Carolina

  • Attack on fort sumter

    Attack on fort sumter
    This Caused the civil war mostly because it was north teritory being bombed.