Civil Rights Movement

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    Civil Rights Movement

  • The Fifteenth Amendment

    Granted African-Americans, even former slaves, the right to vote. this was significant to history because of the fact that people would dehumanize African-Americans and giving them more rights gave them the credit and respect they needed.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson Court Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court decided on a "separate but equal " society. The Court case was significant because it showed how even the government had racial mindsets and wants to separate "blacks and whites" even in educations where some children didn't see skin color but saw character and personality.
  • Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday was published

    Strange Fruit was a song performed by Billie Holiday and was about the lives of African-Americans and how they would be lynched by the KKK. It was significantly controversial because the song was about a photo showing a group of people smiling and laughing at a hanged corpse on a tree.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    On a bus in Montgomery, Alabama Rosa Parks was riding on the bus and was sitting in the colored section of the bus when the front of the bus where the whites were supposed to sit was getting full the bus driver demanded her to move and she stood her ground. This event was important because it led to the Bus Boycotts.
  • Martin Luther King, Charles Steele, and Fred Shuttlesworth created the SCLC

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference was established. It was used to organize large civil rights movements including nonviolence and civil disobedience. The significance in the event is because it was essentially responsible for people to take charge and nor degrade themselves to the racists and bigotry.
  • Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka

    The U.S. Supreme court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. The court case reversed the1896 Plessy v. Ferguson in favor of separate educational accommodations This event was important to History because it was the nation's first African-American Supreme Court justice.
  • University students started a Sit-in protest at a segregated lunch counter

    Four University students who were African-Americans started a sit-in as an attempt to protest a lunch-in counter. After 6 months of nonviolent protests and sit-ins they were finally served lunch. This was a tremendous success because it inspired others to sit-in as a protest in other public facilities.
  • Kennedy issues executive order 10925

    Kennedy issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination in federal government hiring based off of race, religion, or national origin. This was a major break through in American government because it started affirmative action for executive departments and agencies.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    The SNCC was founded in the Shaw University and worked with young blacks to acquire a more significant role in the civil rights movement. This allowed for significant change in the Civil Rights movement because it included as many people as possible
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith was the first black university student to enroll in the University of Mississippi. This gave hope to African-Americans that they could enroll into a university.
  • King's "I have a Dream" speech

    More than 200,000 people attended the speech at the Lincoln Memorial. It was a difficult period after many failures and lives lost to police brutality and other incidents people participating in the Civil Rights movement and needed a boast
  • Four Girls Murdered

    Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins were attending Sunday school when a bomb went off and ended along with the four young girls
  • 24th Amendment

    Abolished the poll tax which was instituted in many southern states. The poll made it difficult for blacks to vote.
  • President Johnson signed Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • MALCOLM X assinsinated

    The black freedom leader who was infamously known for being the leader of the Black Panthers. This was a significant part in history because Malcolm X, aside from MLK, was a big part of the civil rights movement and his murder was widely spread.
  • Marches from Selma to Montgomery began

    the marches from Selma to Montgomery were considered the emotional peak of the Civil Rights Movement and continued for 4 days.
  • Marches from Selma to Montgomery End

    The marches from Selma to Montgomery included more than 600 people who demanded an end to discrimination in voter registration. This was a momentous event because it consisted of police brutality extensively
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965