Civil Rights

  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    This was the constitutional of racial segregation laws for public facilities. Being what this was this was no protest this was something done by the government. Once again some white people were not happy but some were ready for the change in life but the blacks were the ones that were the most happiest.
  • Formation of the NAACP

    Formation of the NAACP
    This was the National Association for the advancement of colored people. This was a civil rights organization so the government was the one that was involved with what was going on. At this point some people where ok with what was happing, but some other people were not happy.
  • The Congress of Racial Equality is formed

    The Congress of Racial Equality is formed
    Was a system that no matter a persons skin color or what there belief is they should alwas be treated with the same as anyother person.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    3rd grader that had to go through a train yard just to get to her school when there was a white school that was much more closer.
  • The murder of Emmitt Till

    The murder of Emmitt Till
    Was a black kid that when to his uncle house for a weekend and his mother said people in the south are not like the people in the north and she said " do not flirt or look at a white girl" but he was a rule breaker and he did then later that night he was kiddnapped and was murdered. Nobody really does know who took the boy but most likley to be the kkk. This murder did stur up mayjor problems though being that it was just a young kid.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    It started 100 days after Emmett Till death. The buses in Montgomery were desegrated and beaten up, but in the end they did win.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks did not give up her seat to a white man. (Something that we all know).
  • Period: to

    Blacks not riding

    All Blacks in Montgomery responded with a massive bus boycott that lasted 381 days
  • Crisis at Little Rock Central

    Crisis at Little Rock Central
    Nine black children decided to break the color barrier at Little Rock Central.
  • Eisenhower

    Eisenhower supported Federal government's decision to intergrate and sent 101st Airbone Division of US Army to assist the students in entering the school.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference is formed

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference is formed
    This was an African-American civil rights organization. Wich was also lead by Black people because they once again were trying to prove that they wanted their freedom. It did take a while but over time they did get what they wonted with minimal violence.
  • Sit-ins

    Resterants that had blacks come inside but they did not serve them.
  • Sit-ins +

    Some of the blacks that went to the resturants got arrested or they got into fights with black people but in the end resturants started surving blacks.
  • Student Non-Violent Cording Committee is formed

    Student Non-Violent Cording Committee is formed
    This was a major civil rights movement that was done. It was a group of African-Americans that they went to every day but they did not get paid to be there. This was also held it the deep-south, they also was no vilence that happend but they did get what they wonted.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Bus facilities for interstate travel where segregated.
  • Freedom Riders +

    People in the south were attacking black people that were riding buses to the south.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Was a very large march that had over 200,000 people attend and Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech.
  • Birmingham

    Was known as "most segregated city in the South" portesters target citys.18 bombings occur between 1957 and 1963, they all started to moving towords vilance instead of a peacful protest.
  • Period: to

    "I have a dream" speech + Assassination

    The "I have a dream" speech was probably the most special speech that was ever made by a person it was what Martin wanted for his kids when they grow up and the freedom that he wanted them to have. Then his assassination that happened in 1968. It happened during his speech in a hotel balcony, and his speech was on the March of Washington. This was probley the best thing that happened in America in a long time but sadly his death did bring many bad things to America also.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act of 1964
    This was a civil right passed for the desegregation that outlawed the color of a persons skin color. The president and the government of America were the people that were involved with what this was. The white people still did not like the blacks but in the end they did all learn that they have to move on.
  • Race Riots in Watts and other cities

    Race Riots in Watts and other cities
    These were based on police racism and the blacks are the one that took action. It really was the Blacks and the cops during this. This also happened in Los Angeles in the suburban areas. Their were very many fights that broke out between the whit and blacks.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965
    This was created to give rights to blacks so they could vote. President Johnson was the one that signed to pass it. In the end the blacks were granted the right to vote.
  • Boston Busing

    Was the desecration of Boston public schools. Manly in the south blacks would ride buses down and would destroy the buses. It caused a lot and a lot of violence down in the south. In the end by the time this was all over the south had to agree with the changes that were happing.1974
  • Rodney King Trial

    Rodney King Trial
    A jury acquitted three of the officers for beating a black person. This was involved with a single black man and 3 police officers. This also happened in Los Angeles. The three people did not deserve to where a police uniform anymore after what happened.