cival war timelins

  • Period: to

    cival war timeline

  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    This event involves: Henry clay a congressman
    This event took place because tensions rose between the slave states and the non-slave states. Missouri wanted to be a slave state so Maine was added as a free state.
    What took place in this event: the idea of Missouri entering as a slave state it prompted a heated debate in congress and through out the country.
    this impacted history by: changing how slavery was factored into each future state.
    this event took place in: Mainly Missouri and Main
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    who: Willmot privso
    what: an unsuccessful proposal to ban slavery
    where: united states congress
    why: Wilmot wanted to end slavery
    how: this affected the U.S by leading to the civil war
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    who: henry clay and Stephin Douglas
    what: a fugitive slave law was put in place and it was tuff on southerners
    where: basically the south and the southwest
    why: it took place because there needed to be a settlement between disagreements about slave laws
    how: the slave trade was affected in DC
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    who: the slaves
    what: it made runaway slaves be given back to their owners even if they are free.
    where: new york
    why: it was caused from pressure from southern politicians
    how: it affected the future by free blacks being sold into slavery
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    who: Tom and a 4-year-old
    what: While being transported by boat to auction in New Orleans, Tom saves the life of Little Eva an angelic and forgiving young girl, whose grateful father then purchases Tom
    where: Kentucky
    why: it tightened fugitive slave laws
    how: it strengthened Northern abolitionism
  • Kansas Nebraska Act/ Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act/ Bleeding Kansas
    who: Stephan Douglas
    what: it allowed slavery in Missouri and made the Louisiana territory free
    where: Missouri the united states
    why: slavery in a territory should be decided by its residents rather than the government, so two new territories opened and they were both open to slavery if the population allowed it
    how: it divided the nation
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    who: dred scott
    what: a slave moving to Illinois with his owner
    where: Illinois
    why: Scott sued his owner because in Illinois slavery was illegal and him a slave in Illinois would make him not a slave
    how: the divide between the north and south grew bigger and bigger
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    who: Stephen Douglas Abraham lincoln
    what: Lincoln argued against the spread of slavery
    where: Illinois
    why: Douglas accused Lincoln of being an abolitionist
    how: it propelled Abraham Lincolns political career
  • John Brown’s Raid

    John Brown’s Raid
    who: Owen Brown John Cook Barclay Coppoc Francis Meriam Charles Tidd
    what: solders over ran browns followers and brown 10 of his men were killed including his sons
    where: harpers ferry
    why: it was an attempt to revolt against slavery
    how: helped make further accommodation with the north and south
  • Lincoln’s Election of 1860

    Lincoln’s Election of 1860
    who: Abraham lincoln John Breckenridge John Bell Stephen Douglas
    what: a four-way election
    where: Chicago
    why: they needed a new president so they held an election
    how: it was a reflection on the southern states on how they lost power
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    who: 10 southern states
    what: some southern states didn't want to be in a government-run by a northern anti-slavery party
    where: united states
    why: to protect their states rights
    how: it precipitated the American civil war