Citizens United Update

By jbd2259
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    After a series of higher taxes, imprisonment for debt, and lack of paper money, a congregation of farmers began a rebellion against the government. This uprising drew questions about reforming The Articles Of Confederation, which was later carried out.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    When word got out about the problems of the government (at that time) delegates came together to discuss reform. This meeting eventually resulted in several acts of reform such as; New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, Great Compromise, and 3/5 Compromise.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    During the very first session of U.S. congress, the Supreme Court was established to resolve national conflicts. With federal courts in government, people were able to defend themselves in trials instead of automatic punishment.
  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    In the U.S. in the early 19th century, a protestant revival that mainly expressed Arminian Theology, was spearheaded by religious leaders such as Richard Allen, Lyman Beecher, and Alexander Campbell.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    After farmers who dealt with any form of whiskey started getting taxed extra, farmers and veterans formed a tax protest. Rebels were angry and were fighting against taxation without representation, something the U.S. had fought against in the American Revolution.
  • Alien and sedition acts

    Alien and sedition acts
    After the French Revolution, four blls were passed by federalists. Opposition to the acts resulted in the Virgina and Kentucky Resolutions.
  • Revolution of 1800

    Revolution of 1800
    After a transfer of powers from the federalists to the democratic-republicans, it changed the outcome of the election and lead to the presidency of Thomas Jefferson.
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury V Madison
    After a U.S. supreme court case in which the U.S. Judicial Review was formed, it defined the separation of checks and balances in the U.S. government.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    After the U.S. paid 15 million dollars to France, it gained France’s claim to the territory of Louisiana.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    Both Britain and France imposed trade restrictions in order to weaken each others' economies. After the Chesapeake Affair, Thomas Jefferson was faced with a decision to make regarding the situation at hand. In the end, he chose an economic option: the Embargo Act of 1807. The United States Congress passed the Embargo Act of 1807, on December 21, 1807, making the Non-Importation Act obsolete. Jefferson continued to support the Embargo Act. He saw it as an alternative to war, and he wanted to keep
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    In the War of 1812, the United States took on the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britain, in a conflict that would have an immense impact on the young country's future. Causes of the war included British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, the Royal Navy's impressment of American seamen and America's desire to expand its territory. The ratification of the Treaty of Ghent on February 17, 1815, ended the war but left many of the most contentious questions unresolved. Nonetheless, many in th
  • Election of 1816

    Election of 1816
    he United States presidential election of 1816 came at the end of the two-term presidency of Democratic-Republican James Madison.The previous four years were dominated by the War of 1812. While it had not ended in victory, the peace was nonetheless satisfactory to the American people, and the Democratic-Republicans received the credit for its prosecution. President Madison had adopted such Federalist policies as a national bank and protective tariffs, which would give the Federalists few issues
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    In the presidential election of 1824, no candidate received a majority vote, so it went to the House of Representatives. The House elected John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson, supposedly because Henry Clay (Speaker of the House at the time) convinced them, under the impression that in exchange he would one day be given the position of Secretary of State. As a result, Jacksonians attacked the administration as being corrupt and not on the people's side.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The Election of 1828 was a rematch between John Q Adams and Andrew Jackson. It was considered a very dirty race. Andrew Jackson won, and as a result, Jacksonian democracy rose.
  • Indian Removal act of 1830

    Indian Removal act of 1830
    On May 26, 1830, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was passed by the Twenty-First Congress of the United states of America. After four months of strong debate, Andrew Jackson signed the bill into law. Land greed was a big reason for the federal government's position on Indian removal. This desire for Indian lands was also abetted by the Indian hating mentality that was peculiar to some American frontiersman.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    In the midst of an "indian problem" congress passed authorization so that the President could divide individual indians into different allotments. This helped the settler-indian conflict by dividing them and defusing aggression between them.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    Two opposing forces that included Major Samuel M. Whitside and tribesman Black Coyote lead to a massacre that punctuated the end of the American Indian Wars.
  • Founding of NAACP

    Founding of NAACP
    In order “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination” the NAACP was founded in 1909 by activists and was later joined by white people such as William E. Walling.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Throughout the 1920's and 1930's, the "New Negro Movement" was spearheaded by African Americans such as Claude Mckay and Hubert Harrison and changed the cultural condition of African Americans as a whole.
  • First Red Scare

    First Red Scare
    When a widespread fear of anarchism and Bolshevism broke out in the early 20th century, political figures such as Mitchell Palmer tried to surpress the sensation.
  • Red Summer of 1919

    Red Summer of 1919
    In places such as Chicago, Washington, and Arkasas, a series of race riots broke out usually resulting in a great number of black fatalities.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    The race was between Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt during the depression of the 30's. Roosevelt blamed Hoover and his weak policy and favoritism of businesses and corporations for the Great Depression and won by a landslide.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The New Deal was President Roosevelt's response to the stock market crash and depression of the 1930's. It included work programs, housing projects, and regulations on the stock market to restore citizen's faith in the bank system, all of which came out from 1933-1936. It utilized Keysian economics.