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    Night of Ball

    Cinder revieves a video message from a girl. She claims to be the Lunar queen's programmer. She tells Cinder of the queen's plan to become empress then kill the prince. Then she would use her power to take over the world.
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    The Ball

    The Ball
    Cinder actually does have Lunar power and usues it to attempt to shoot Levana. Everyone surges to the exit and news reporters rush to the scene.Then, she accidentally reveals that she's a cyborg. As she tries to rush out, her small foot falls off and is picked up by Prince Kai.
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    The guards catch Cinder. Levana wants her to be executed immediately, but Kai refuses. But he says that Levana can take her back to Luna. The doctor of the letumosis research team visits Cinder in her cell. He tells her that she is the lost Lunar heir and that she should break out of jail and go to Africa. Thi is how the story ends.
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    Cinder is working at her stand as a mechanic at the marketplace. She meets Prince Kai, in person, when he drops off his broken android. Later, there is a letumosis outbreak, so everyone panics and evacuates the marketplace.
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    Cinder, Iko, her android, and Peony, her step-sister go to a junkyard. They are looking for a magbelt, a piece for their hover. Iko finds a car, which is an ancient relic, in their time period. Cinder is amazed and plans on using the car as her mode of transport, if she ever wants to run away. Then, Cinder spots a purplish splotch on Peony and calls an emergency hover; Peony caught the plague.
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    Lihn Apartment

    Lihn Apartment
    Cinder debates whether or not she should go home. She wonders how she could tell Peony's mother, her step-mother, that Peony had caught letumosis. Soon enough, she decides that she would have to tell Adri, her stepmom. But when she arrives at her house, she finds out that Peony's mom had already found out, and irrationaly blames Cinder for Peony's illness.Adri called two med-droids to take Cinder for plague research.
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    Cinder is brought to the hospital for research, when the head doctor says that she is extremely rare. He also tells her that she is a Lunar shell, which is an ungifted Lunar. Meanwhile, the emporer and Peony pass away.
    Later, the queen of Luna, Queen Levana, goes to Earth to pay her respects and also to create a marriage alliance.
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    The queen comes with an antidote which is (ironically) too late! The prince plans his coronation. While at the palace, the queen propses a marriage alliance, but the prince doesn't approve nor deny it.
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    The Ball

    Cinder goes to the ball to warn the prince of the queen's plan. Levana sees Cinder and is enraged when she finds out that she's a shell.