cieri paris gantt

  • jamestown

    the first perminate english settlement in america
  • mayflower

    the pilgrams came over to amemrica on the there ship called the mayflower , they didnt reach there origanal destination so they had to write something that sates that these are there rules and stuff about where they happend to land
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    samual adams and the sons of liberty got on 3 ships and entered the boston harbor and dumped 342 chest of tea into the harbor
  • midnight ride

    midnight ride
    the shot heard around the world was when paul rovere road on his house around warning that the british were coming
  • shot heard around the world

    shot heard around the world
    this shot was the start of the revolutionary war
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    this was a document that we people of the united states sent to king george the 3rd saying that we dont want to be under your controll anymore and that we are leaving you . thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independence
  • american revolution ended

    american revolution ended
    the american revolution was a war that stated us leaving from britian and becoming the united states of america
  • constitution

    the constitution was written because it gave a list of the 3 government branches and what they can do and who falls in what category.
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    the first 10 amendments in the constitution stating the protection for the people of the united states
  • marbury vs madison

    marbury vs madison
    a famous court case which astablished judishal review for the judishal branch stating if something is unconstitutional or not
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    thomas jefferson bought a large amount of land or territiory from france or neopoleon , this purchase double our nations size
  • california gold rush

    california gold rush
    the california gold rush was when someone found gold and soon eeryone heard about it and so people from all over were in search for gold in california , thoes people were called the 49ers and that is one reason why california is one of the largest populated states
  • civil war

    civil war
    the civil war was north vs south and they were fighting to see if the slaves could be free and who gains controll of what and the north won the mississippi river . robert E lee is the gerneal of the confederacy and ulysses s grant was the general of the north