Magnetic compass

Chinese Inventions & Innovations

  • Alcohol - 2000 BC

    Alcohol - 2000 BC
    It has led one to believe that the Chinese has invented alcohol. An analysis of a 9000 year old pottery shards have been found in the Henan province which exposed the existence of alcohol. The fermented drink was developed by rice, fruit and honey. Alcohol in China is considered to be a spiritual food that had an important role in the religious life.
  • Crossbow - 700 BC

    Crossbow - 700 BC
    In China over 2000 years ago, the crossbow has been invented. Chinese records show that the crossbow may have existed from the seventh century BCE or even much earlier. The crossbow in China revolutionized warfare. It may be more powerful than the normal bow and could shoot multiple arrows, darts or stones. The use of the crossbow was for hunting and war.
  • Spinning Wheel - 300 BC

    Spinning Wheel - 300 BC
    About 4000 years ago, silk was first made by the Chinese. Silk thread is made from the cocoon of the silkworm moth. To find a way to deal with the tough, long silk threads, the spinning wheel has been developed in 1035. The machine was simple to use and is easily operated by one person.
  • Great Wall of China - 200 BC

    Great Wall of China - 200 BC
    The Great Wall of China is known to be one of the legendary seven wonders of the world. It began in 221 BC to keep the Mongol invaders out. Yang Di designed a huge project of repairing the Great Wall which consists of hundred of thousands of forced labourers and a huge amount of money. It still remains to be the largest human made structure ever built in the world.
  • Abacus - 100 BC

    Abacus - 100 BC
    Around 100 AD, the Chinese had developed a counting device named abacus. It has a rectangular wooden frame with parallel rods and each rod carries beads used for counting. Using this instrument, the Chinese could add, subtract, multiply and divide with an impressive speed.
  • Movable Sails & Rudder - 100 AD

    Movable Sails & Rudder - 100 AD
    Chinese ships sailed to India around the time of the Han Dynasty. The Chinese shipbuilders have invented a firm post rudder and watertight compartments for the ship’s hulls by 100 AD. By 200 AD, they are credited for the use of masts and they redesigned the basic square sail with the fore-and-aft rig which allows the ship to sail in the wind.
    Without these inventions, the Western would of have found it hopeless to travel, conquer and rule.
  • Gunpowder - 200 AD

    Gunpowder - 200 AD
    Around 200 AD, Chinese scientists discovered that mixing sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate could produce an explosive mixture. It was used by the military in the 900’s during the Tang Dynasty. Gunpowder was also used for acrobat and puppet performances to decorate the stage and give a mysterious atmosphere.
  • Kite - 500 AD

    Kite - 500 AD
    Two thousand years before the European discovery of flying sails, the first Chinese kites have been already soaring in the sky. Chinese kites came in different designs and shapes like a butterfly or bird. They were not only used for entertainment, they were also used for serious purposes such as military communication.
  • Porcelain - 600 AD

    Porcelain - 600 AD
    In the 600’s AD, Tao-Yue is claimed to be the legendary inventor of porcelain. He used white clay that he found at the Yangtze River and other type of clay to help make the first white porcelain. He then sold his invention and it is one of the most highly prized products in China.
  • Canals - 600 AD

    Canals - 600 AD
    The Grand Canal was built to connect waterways to different sections of its vast territory. The construction first began in the early 600’s to connect the Yellow River in the north with the Yangzi River in the south. The Grand Canal lasted for many centuries as it was repaired constantly. With the Grand Canal, people could send rice, messages and ships back and forth.