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China Dynasty

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    Qin Dynasty 221 BC - 206 BC

    Qin Dynasty 221 BC - 206 BC
    Taoism was the first religion.
    Shi Huangdi was the first emperor.
    20,000,000 people.
    Started building the Great Wall of China.
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    Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD

    Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD
    This was a time of inventions and advances.
    It was called the era of disunity.
    Helped build the Great Wall of China.
    Expanded westward, population was 57,671,400.
  • Period: Nov 11, 1206 to Nov 11, 1368

    Mongol Dynasty

    -largest empire in history
    -Genghis Khan was the first leader and was followed by family members
    -33,000,000 sq miles of land area
    -today their land is a part of 32 countries
  • Period: Nov 11, 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    -known as one of the greatest eras of government and social stability
    -Beijing was the capital
    -Taoism was the more practiced religion
    -led by the Han Chinese
    -160,000,000 was the population
  • Period: to

    Manchu/Qing Dynasty

    -last emperial dynasty of China
    -practiced confucianism, buddhism, and taoism
    -there were 301,000,000 people living in this dynasty
  • Period: to

    Opium Wars

    First Opium war was fought between China and Great Britain because of different viewpoints on diplomatic relations, trade, and justice of foreign nations. The British ended up winning this war. The second Opium war was fought between French and Britain against the Qing Dynasty. Anglo-French ended up winning this war.
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    Took place in China towards the end of the Qing Dynasty and they ended up winning.
  • Period: to

    Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
    -581-618 AD
    -Practiced buddhism, taoism, and confucianism.
    -Emperor Wen was the first emperor.
    -46,019,956 people in this Dynasty.
    Tang Dynasty
    -618-907 AD
    -Practiced Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism
    -Emperor Gaozu was the first emperor
    -considered a high point in chinese civilization
    -at the end of this era there were 80,000,000 people living in China
  • Period: to Nov 11, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    -practiced buddhism and taoism
    -implemented paper money, gun powder and a compass
    -118,000,000 was the population