Chapter 9

  • second bank of the united states

    second bank of the united states
    The Second Bank of the United States, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was the second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States
  • first protective tariff

    first protective tariff
    the first tariff passed by Congress with an explicit function of protecting U.S. manufactured items from overseas competition.
  • Rush-Bagot treaty

    Rush–Bagot Treaty was a treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom limiting naval armaments on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.
  • The convention of 1818

    The convention of 1818
    A treaty between the United States and Britain that set the 49th parallel as the boundary between British North America and the US across the West.
  • panic of 1819

    panic of 1819
    The Panic of 1819 was the first major peacetime financial crisis in the United States.
  • transcontinental treaty

    transcontinental treaty
    Transcontinental Treaty, the Florida Purchase Treaty, or the Florida Treaty, was a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S. and defined the boundary between the U.S. and New Spain.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank.
  • congress accepts the Missouri compromise

    congress accepts the Missouri compromise
    Congress passed a bill granting Missouri statehood as a slave state under the condition that slavery was to be forever prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36th parallel, which runs approximately along the southern border of Missouri.
  • Maine and Missouri become states

    Maine and Missouri become states
    The Senate passed a bill allowing Maine to enter the Union as a free state and Missouri to be admitted without restrictions on slavery.
  • Florida becomes a territory

    Florida becomes a territory
    The Territory of Florida was an organized incorporated territory of the United States that existed from March 30, 1822, until March 3, 1845, when it was admitted to the Union as the state of Florida.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    the doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.
  • Gibbon v Ogden

    Gibbon v Ogden
    Supreme Court case establishing the principle that states cannot, by legislative enactment, interfere with the power of Congress to regulate commerce.
  • jown quicy adams elected

    jown quicy adams elected
    the House chose John Quincy Adams as president