
Chapter 7 Drama and Conflict

  • Marbury v Madison

    President Adams had packed the judiciary with Federalists which forced the Judicicary Act of 1789. Yet Madison refused to deliver the documents that authorized the midnight judges. William Marbury, justice of peace demanded the documents. This also gave the power Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional
  • Louisiana Purchase

    America got dependent on rivers for their economy, so Jefferson got scared a foreign power might shut it down and America kept asking Spain to buy their land however Spain gave it to France so they didn't have to deal with it anymore, however Frace that was originally going to use the land as a base for the troops could not due to slaves revolting and as the land became usless to France and Napoliean needed money for the war he sold it to America for approximately 15 million dollars.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark expedition

    Lewis and Clark go west to discover the new land America has bought. They used the Missouri river as their guide to find the way to the ocean as they come across terrain the had never gone through or expected to come across to. As the Corp of discovery had stopped receiving supplies and help they had to endure the ne unknown land by themselves, yet with the help of indians they manage to survive and find their way through.