003 new nation creating the constitution

cierradavis7 us1 :Chapter 6:section 1: launching the new nation

By cierrad
  • spinning jenny invented

    spinning jenny invented
    A cotton spinning machine for converting raw cotton into thread
    These machines were used to mass produce textiles.
  • The steam engine invented

    The steam engine invented
    The steam engine was a machine that used steam to create power.Inventors went on to create machines that were powered by steam engines.
  • The industrial revolution began

    The industrial revolution began
    The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes. STOLEN FROM ENGLAND.
  • french revolution

    french revolution
    Initially, Americans support the French Revolution due to it being inspired by the idea of not being under the rule of a monarch Inspired by the American struggle, the French set out to create a government based on the will of the people.
  • Samuel Slater smuggles plans to America

  • George washington elected president

    George washington elected president
    Being a hero of the Revolutionary War and head of the Constitutional Convention, everyone wanted washington to lead them, so he was unanimously elected as the very first president of the u.s. When word got to Washington he reluctantly accepted the position as the first President of the United States. Some challenging tasks lie ahead though, he must create an entirely new government.
  • The Judiciary Act

    The Judiciary Act
    This act Created the judicial structure that we are still using to this day.
    This act also Provided for A Supreme Court with a chief justice and five associate justices. As well as 3 federal circuit courts, 13 federal district courts which were placed throughout the country.
    fun fact! : Section 25 allowed for state court decisions to be appealed to a federal court when constitutional issues were raised.
  • Congress agrees to move the white house and the construction of the new capital began

    It was located between mayland and virginia. They decided to move it to washigton D.C
    fun fact! : Washington D.C means washington district of columbia.
  • cotton gin invented

  • john adams was elected president

    john adams was elected president
    Both Adams and Jefferson were running for president at the time. they tied many times,but finally Adams defeated Thomas Jefferson and got the position as president. thomas jefferson became the 2nd president of the U.S. , or in other words he became the Vice President under Due to the Constitution.
  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    an american delegation. they are sent to France to
    to meet with the French , but that doesnt exactly happen. when the men get to france the french government sends three of their men to tell the americans that if you they wanted something from him, or even to speak to him, they'd have to PAY UP big time.the french were BROKE.)
  • alien and sedition acts was created

    alien and sedition acts was created
    it will be even harder for foreigners to become citizens of the united states due to the alien acts and te sedition act called for anyone speaking of the government in a "bad way" whether it is true or not, will be persecuted.
  • White house open for business!

    White house open for business!
    The white house is finished being built and was succesfully moved.
  • marbury vs. madison

    marbury vs. madison
    since madison didnt want to give up his postion, he refused to give murbury his letter of confirmation. so they went to court on this probem between the two.
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    The French army fails to take control of the island The Louisiana Territory becomes useless Agrees to sell Louisiana to the U.S. for $15 million 3.5 cents per acre Despite not having any Constitutional authorization, Jefferson takes possession of the Louisiana Territory
  • lewis and clark expedition began

    lewis and clark expedition began
    -Intended to help apply military and diplomatic pressure on
    Napoleon Became one of the largest scientific expeditions in human history jefferson’s goal was to take control of the Louisiana Territory and the mouth of the Mississippi River
  • james madison elected

    james madison elected
    he was in favor of going to war with france.
  • War of 1812

  • war of 1812

    the americans decided to attack the british in canada.
  • Burning of York

  • Burning of the White House

  • Battle of New Orleans

  • Monroe’s Presidency

  • Missouri Compromise

  • the erie canal was built

    the erie canal was built
    The erie canal changed the economy and pretty much changed the course that history was taking. It was designed to link the western markets to the eastern manufacturing.
  • Trail of Tears

  • John Quincy Adams Presidency

  • American Temperance Movement founded

  • Andrew Jackson’s Presidency

  • Mormon Church founded

  • New England Antislavery Society Founded

  • Nat Turner’s Rebellion

  • Nullification Crisis

  • Panic of 1837

  • Public education extended through all states

  • the word millionaire is created

    the erie canal cahnged the economy and made prices go down.
  • Seneca Falls Convention