Chapter 4-5 Time Line

  • 1570

    Iroquois Confederacy Forms

    Iroquois Confederacy Forms
    The Iroquois Confederacy, an alliance of eastern North American
    Native American tribes, is established.
  • The First Africans Arrive in Virginia

    The First Africans Arrive in Virginia
    Because of the high demand for workers on large plantations, a ship of slaves come to Virginia.
  • Navigation Act Passed

    The first Navigation Act regulates trade between Britain and the colonies.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Led by Nathaniel Bacon, Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion by Virginia settlers against the rule of Governor William Berkeley.
  • Great Awakening Peaks

    The Great Awakening religious revival in colonies during 1730's and 1740's led by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
  • Proclamation of 1763

    King George issued the Proclamation of 1763 assuring that Native American land can't be taken over by colonist.
  • Treaty of Paris signed

    The Treaty of Paris, a treaty negotiating between Britain and America's needs, is signed.
  • Colonists Protest Stamp Act

    The colonist protest the Stamp Act which taxed all printed items.
  • Boston Massacre Occurs

    Boston Massacre Occurs
    In the process of attempting to take over colonists cities, British soldiers and colonists brake out in outrage and fighting.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists dress up as Native Americans and pour hundreds of buckets of British tea into the harbor, protesting British rule.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord occur

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord occur. They were the first battles of the Revolutionary War.
  • Colonies Issue the Declaration of Independence

    A declaration of independence is the document that declared the colonists independence from Britain.