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Chapter 25.2 The Unification of Germany-Janel

By janel
  • The Danish War

    The Danish War
    Prussia and Austria declared war on Denmark. Prussia and Austria disagreed with the Danish constitution which said that they would annex Schleswig. The reason for this war was because of the decision of who would rule Schleswig and Holstein. Denmark wanted France and Great Britain's aid in the war, but they did not help. Denmark eventually gave up, surrendered the war after three months in 1864.
  • Seven Weeks War

    Seven Weeks War
    With Denmark's defeat, one country is out of the way. The problem is that there is another country to eliminate in order to gain Schleswig and Holstein. The two countries Prussia and Austria fought with each other of this matter. Prussia won this war with their advantages in technology like: telegraphs, current weapons, and trains. Prussia took Holstein and Italy took Venetia.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    France declared war on Prussia because of anger. Bismarck changed a telegram from King William, making it sound like an insult to the Ambassador of France. That triggered the declaration of the war. Bismarck intended this war for the unification of Germany, to make the southern German states unite in defense, against the French. France did not have help from other countries and Prussia won the war.
  • Hall of Mirrors

    Hall of Mirrors
    The representatives of the German states' allies met at the Palace of Versailles. There they formed the German Empire. The German Empire had all the German states except for Austria. Berlin was it's capital and it's emperor was King William. Otto Von Bismarck was the chancellor, he was called the "Iron Chancellor".
  • accomplished unification

    accomplished unification
    The Catholic States did not want to join the North German Confederation at first. This was because of fear of losing their religious freedom. Still, the Catholic states helped Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War because of their nationalism for Germany. After the war, Germany's unification was complete with the Catholic States joining Prussia and the other states. William I was the kaiser (emperor) who ruled Germany...united!