
Chapter 22.1 The Unification of Germany

  • Naploleon Raids German Lands

    Naploleon Raids German Lands
    From 1806-1812, Napoleon annexed locations along the Rhine River for France. He got rid of the Holy Empire as well as organizing many German-States into the Rhine Confederation. He encouragesd freeing the serfs, got rid of laws against Jews, and made trade easier. Some Germans welcomed his changes but others didn't want their lands to be under French rule. So they began demanding a unified German state. At the Congress of Vienna, they created the German Confederation.
  • Bismark Unites Germany

    Bismark Unites Germany
    Otto von Bismarck, a noble, became prime minister of King William I in 1862, and became the chancellor, which is the highest official of a monarch. He usd a policy called "blood and iron" in order to unite the German states under the rule of Prussia.He was really good Realpolitik and strengthened the army.
  • Prussia Declares War with Denmark and Austria

    Prussia Declares War with Denmark and Austria
    Bismarck had an alliance with Austria in 1864 and they seized Schleswig and Hostein from Denmark and after the war, they "liberated" them and divided the riches. Bismarck attacked Austria in 1866 and this resulted in the 7-week Austro-Prussian War. Prussia won the war and annexed several north German states. Bismarck ended the German Confederation which was led by Austria and replaced it with a Confederation led by Prussia and Austria and few German states stayed independent.
  • France Declares War on Prussia

    France Declares War on Prussia
    Prussia and Austria had a rivalry that resulted in the Franco-Prussian War. Napoleon III barely tried to stopped the war. Germans were scared that Napoleon III would act like Napoleon I, which gave France the image of an enemy, Bismarck made a telegram about a meeting with King William I and the French embassador. Bismarck's edit of the "Ems dispatch" made it seem like William I insulted the French, so Napoleon III declared war on Prussia. France surrendered and agreed to a humiliating peace.
  • German Empire is Born

    German Empire is Born
    William I of Prussia became Kaiser, which is emperor. A constitution was created that made a two-house legislature, the Bunesrat (upper house) and the Reichstag (lower house), but the real power belonged to the emperor. This resulted in a new empire that was like the Holy Roman Empire.