Chapter 18 Age of Reform

  • Progress and Poverty

    Progress and Poverty
    This book wriiten by Henry George discussed problems facing the United States as the number of poor people rose and the nations wealth increased.George hoped for a time when county's progress might be meaured by its movement toward equality not toward inequality.
  • Inspiration for Reform

    Inspiration for Reform
    Many Journalists helped sread the reform movement. Magazines such as Munsey's and Everybody's published stories exposing corruption in buisness and politics. McLure's magazine was founded by reformists.
  • Progressive Spirit and the Progressives

    Progressive Spirit and the Progressives
    Industrialism had shaped America. Ecomnomic Growth had led to a rise in the number of goods and services. Growth had also widened the gap betweent the rich and the poor.This Spirit of reform was known as Progessivism. The progressives were all people in the reform effort in the progressive era.
  • Standard Oil and Ida Tarbell

    Standard Oil and Ida Tarbell
    McLures Ran the first story on the history of Standard Oil written by Ida Tarbell. da was deeply angered by Standard oil buying all of the independent oil companies. Her father's company went bankrupt.
  • Dangerous Working Conditions

    Dangerous Working Conditions
    This was a major concern of the progressives. Industrial america often had workers working long hurs in dangerous conditions. 70%of Americans worked more than 54 hours a week
  • Female and child laborers

    Female and child laborers
    Many women and children working earned less than $6 a week. Although mamy children worked in farming and factories more than 20 million faced the worst conditions.