Old computer

Changing Computers

  • 50s Computer

    50s Computer
    In the 50s computers were a very new technology. They took up rooms, required manual programing and were not very powerful compared to todays technology. The computers in the sixties have as much computing power as a basic calculator
  • 60s Computers

    60s Computers
    In the 60s computers were a very new technology. They were large and difficult to use unless you had the proper training
  • 70s Computer

    70s Computer
    In the 70s computers were becoming more widely known and used. The software was more user friendly than it had been before.
  • 80s Computer

    80s Computer
    In the 80s computer were common in business, improving on existing technology. The GUI became user friendly allowing any person to access computers.
  • 90s Computer

    90s Computer
    In the 90s computers were being slowly intergrated into schools and households. The technology was foreign to most people, slowly but surely the new generation was learning.
  • 00s Computer

    00s Computer
    In the 00s computers were very common, with most proffessions and schools requiring basic computer use. Technology was becoming very common is all places.
  • 10s Computer

    10s Computer
    In the 10s computer use is commonplace. All levels of education and business use computers to some degree. Computers contribute majorly to modern education.