Changes in 19th century Europe

  • British are allowed to trade with Spanish Empire

    Growing economy caused a great amount of international trade.
    (polotics & economics)
  • John Kay's flying shuttle is patented

    The flying shuttle allowed yarn to be used more quickly with an easier process. Before, four spinners were necessary to keep up with a single cotton loom.
  • Factories open to produce pottery, glass, cloth and paper

  • James Watt and John Roebuck patent James Watt's steam engine

    The new steam engine was a step up from the Newcome engine, offering a large increase of fuel efficieny.
  • Richard Arkwright's water frame is patented

    Further accelerated yarn production.
  • First large-scale mechanized American mill

    Begun by Francis Cabot Lowell for the production of textiles.
  • Cyrus McCormick invents the reaper

    The reaper was a peice of machinery that replaced labor-intensive hand sickles.
  • Cunard steamship

    Improved communication system could help them communicate with far-away lands.
  • Trains could travel between 30 and 50 miles an hour

    This new way of traveling helped tremendously with exporting goods across Europe.
  • Art developes into four different styles

    Arts four main styles in the 1900's are:
    Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-impressionism