Ch 25-26 Timeline

  • Dien Bien Phu

    Battle that marked the defeat of French forces in the First Indochina War.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Stated that seperate schools for blacks and whites are unequal. Called for the. Said that such segregation violated the 14th Amendment.
  • 17th Parallel Created

    The Geneva Accords creates a cease-fire for the peaceful withdrawal of the French from Vietnam and provides a temporary boundary between North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel.
  • Republic of Vietnam Created

    South Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam, with newly elected Ngo Dinh Diem as president.
  • Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat

    Rosa Parks sits on a seat reserved for whites on a Montgomery bus and refuses to leave.
  • Seperate-but-equal overturned

    The idea of blacks and whites being seperate but equal, established by Plessy v. Fergussen, is ruled unconstitutional.
  • Creation of SCLC

    Martin Luther King Jr. created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The SCLC set out to eliminate segregation and to encourage African Americans to regester to vote.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Desegregation of Little Rock High School begins as nine African American students join a previously all white school. Eisenhower sends toops to protect the incoming students.
  • Sit-in Staged by Students

    Four African American freshmen at North Carolina Agriculture and Technical College staged a sit-in at a white-only lunch counter.
  • Viet Cong Established

    The National Liberation Front (NLF), also called the Viet Cong, is established in South Vietnam.
  • Freedom Riders Desegregate Interstate Bus Travel

    despite rulings outlawing segregation in interstate bus services, many buses in the South remained segregated. The Freedom Riders boarded several southbound buses and faced torment from angry white mobs.
  • James Meredith Tries to Register at the University of Mississippi

    African American Airforce Veteran, James Meredith, was stopped by the govenor of Mississippi when he tried to register at the University of Mississippi
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is Arrested

    Martin Luther King Jr. is arrested in Birmingham, Alabama for leading protests and is sent to jail.
  • "I Have a Dream Speech"

    Martin Luther King Jr. deliers his "I have a dream" speech infront of over 200,000 people during the March on Washington.
  • Execution of Ngo Dinh Diem

    South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem is executed during a coup.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave authorization for Lyndon B. Johnson to engage in in Southeast Asia
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    A sustained U.S. aerial bombing campaign of North Vietnam begins called Operation Rolling Thunder begins.
  • US Troops Arrive in Vietnam

    The first US combat troops arrive in Vietnam.
  • Attack on Mai Lai

    U.S. soldiers kill hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in the town of Mai Lai.
  • Protests on the Attack of Cambodia Begin

    President Nixon announces that U.S. troops will attack enemy locations in Cambodia. This news sparks nationwide protests, especially on college campuses.
  • US Troops Leave Vietnam

    The last U.S. troops are withdrawn from Vietnam.