
Century Timeline, Sam S. B7

  • Alaska is purchased from Russia

  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of Transcontinental Railroad
    Once the railroad was completed, it was the biggest accomplishment that our country had at the time. The railroad stretched almost entirely across our country. It made transportation of goods and people 100 times easier.
  • John D. Rockefeller starts Standard Oil

    John D. Rockefeller starts Standard Oil
    After Rockefeller started Standard Oil, it began a new era. He was able to make fuel for lights, and fuel for cars. Rockefeller became one of the most wealthiest men for his time.
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    After Bell invented the telephone, it changed how everyone thought of long distance communication. People were able to talk over the phone without any disturbances. It made a lot of jobs a whole lot easier and was one of the most important inventions in our history.
  • Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb

    Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb
    The light bulb was a the biggest thing for its generation. Changed the way we light up the streets at night and homes. It was an expensive thing to have in your homes. Took a million tries to make the perfect one, but was finally perfected and manufactured.
  • Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

  • Ellis Island opens

  • Carnegie Steel’s Homestead Strike

    Carnegie Steel’s Homestead Strike
    All of the workers from one of Carnegie's factories were fed up and mad about the long hours and little pay. They gathered together and closed the front gates so no one could get in or out. A small military group was sent to take care of the problem and ended up with a handful of workers being killed.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

  • The U.S. declares war on Spain

  • Hawaii is annexed

  • Rudyard Kipling published “The White Man’s Burden” in The New York Sun

  • The start of the Boxer Rebellion

  • Tenement Act

  • The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end

  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Wesern Hem

  • Upton Sinclair releases “The Jungle”

  • Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are passed

    Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are passed
    Before this act was put into place, a third of our military died due to bad meat during the war with Spain. The act was put into place to ensure the safety of food products before they are sold to the public. After this act was put into place, less and less people suffered from food poisoning.
  • Peak year of immigration through Ellis Island

  • Henry Ford produces his first Model T (car)

    Henry Ford produces his first Model T (car)
    The Model T was the biggest accomplishment for that generation. It forever changed the way people traveled to work, school, vacations, to shops, anywhere!! The engine for the Model T took several tries to make perfect, but even after they got it to run good, it would still burn a quart of oil anywhere you went.
  • Creation of the NAACP

  • The Triangle Shirtwaste Fire

  • The Assassination on Austria’s archduke Franz Ferdinand starts WWI

  • The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic

    The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic
    The Panama Canal created a way for people to decrease the time it took to get from one side of the country to the other. It allowed people to save up to weeks of sailing because it allowed you to go through South America instead of all the way around it.
  • The United States enters WWI

    The United States enters WWI
    Entering war was one of the biggest decisions our country had to make. We didn't want to get involved, but after we were provoked and attacked, we had no chance. After this war, it showed ever United States citizen what war was like, and how horrible it was.
  • Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition

  • Women got the right to vote

    Women got the right to vote
    Women had been fighting for year to vote. Their had been many elections where women would go to and protest for their right to vote. They finally received their right to vote after many years of fighting.
  • Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President